Jonah’s breathing was shallow as Felix sauntered out of the bathroom with a little swagger to his step. Jonah couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Felix look so confident. It had been …
God, almost a year, maybe?
Definitely before Whitney broke up with him. And that sent a funny little feeling into the pit of Jonah’s stomach.
Was it that Felix wanted Jonah? Or did he just want to feel wanted again?
Rather than go around to his side of the bed, Felix came around to Jonah’s and sat beside him. “Hey, why do you look so serious?”
“Just wondering something,” Jonah admitted. “Is this … is this about you needing to feel wanted by someone?”
Felix looked at him for a long moment but he didn’t appear upset by the question. Merely contemplative. “I like being wanted,” he said. “I mean, it’s a good feeling, right?”
Jonah nodded.
“But that isn’t all this is, Jo,” Felix continued earnestly.
“And I know you asked me once about who it was who made me question if I was 100% straight.”
Jonah nodded. Oh yeah, he remembered that. He’d probably never forget it.
“Well.” Felix smiled at him. “That guy is you.”
“Me?” Jonah blinked at him. “Really?”
“Yeah.” Felix reached up and dragged his thumb across Jonah’s lower lip. “You.”
Felix reached back, cupping the back of Jonah’s head, the brush of his fingers at the hair at the nape sending a pleasant shiver through Jonah’s body. “There’s no other guy I want to do this with, Jo.”
Shit. Talk about an ego boost. That statement could feed Jonah’s ego for days. Years, maybe.
There were still a thousand ways Felix could break his heart but hearing that Felix wanted him. Wanted to try things with him …
“Well, we can try whatever you want,” Jonah croaked.
But Felix just looked at him, studying his face. “This isn’t just some experiment, you know?”
“I know,” Jonah said automatically.
“Do you?” Felix asked, leaning in. “Because, Jonah, I—”
A knock on the door made them spring apart and Jonah jerked back so violently, he clocked his elbow on the headboard.
“Motherfucker!” he swore.
“I am going to kill whoever that is,” Felix muttered as he strode toward the door. A moment later, Jonah heard the click of a lock and the sound of the door opening. Felix snarled, “What?”
“Hey! Can I borrow a charging cable? I think I left mine at home.” Matty’s loud, cheerful voice filled the room.
“You couldn’t have asked me this at breakfast?” Felix muttered.
“I wanted it to charge while I eat.” A moment later, Matty strode into the room and looked around. “Hey, morning, Jonah.”
“Morning, Matty,” Jonah muttered.