Felix and Jonah both headed for the bench, sliding onto it to the sound of chirps from their teammates.
Coach Casey leaned down, hands on both their shoulders. “I thought this relationship wasn’t going to be a distraction, boys.”
“It’s not!” Jonah protested.
“Sorry,” Felix muttered. “I, uh, just …”
Got horny on the ice was literally the only way he could describe it and he wasn’t fucking saying that to his coach.
“I’m sorry,” he said again.
Casey snorted. “Don’t make me separate you two. I need that connection on-ice. I just don’t need you eye-fucking each other. Remember how many cameras are trained on you guys.”
Jonah made a sputtering sound. “We weren’t—”
“You were eye-fucking,” Casey said drily. “Now, promise me it won’t happen on-ice again.”
“I promise,” they both managed.
Felix couldn’t even look Jonah in the eye now. God that was embarrassing. And since when did Casey know the term eye-fucking? Although, he wasn’t that old. Early fifties and he was reasonably attractive. Still, he’d been with his wife since college or something and he was kind of a hockey nerd.
“Good.” Casey thumped their shoulders and stepped away, returning his focus to the game.
“Fake engagement, my ass,” Matty grumbled in Felix’s ear a moment later.
The puck dropped and the game resumed.
Felix put all thoughts of Jonah and his growing attraction aside. They had a game to win and no room for distraction.
The final five minutes of the game were a battle and Felix held his breath as the time ticked down, both teams moving up and down the ice as the Fisher Cats battered Montreal’s goaltender and the Lynx did the same to Makarov.
Macky was a brick wall in net, making some beautiful diving saves that kept their 2-1 lead and when the game horn finally sounded, the Cats bench erupted and Felix roared, crashing into Jonah to celebrate, Matty slamming into him from behind, reaching out to shake Colton’s and Jordan’s shoulders.
It was only one win in what would likely be a long battle for the Cup. But they’d started it off right.
Grinning as he skated off the bench, Felix followed the line of players to where their goaltender waited.
When it was his turn, Felix tapped his helmet to Macky’s and shook him by the shoulders. “Good game,” he shouted.
Macky grinned back. “Why you make me do all the work? Am tired already. Next time you stop more pucks.”
Felix laughed and jostled him affectionately. “I’ll try my best,” he promised.
He left the ice tired but exhilarated.
They’d done it. They had their first win under their belt and that felt damn good.
When Felix stepped inside the locker room, it was a chaotic mess of noise and stripping players.
Nico had their goal song playing on the portable speaker and guys were shouting and singing along to it. Felix missed having him on the ice but it was nice to have him in the locker room at least, dressed in his suit and cranking the tunes.
Matty whooped and shook his ass, like always, out of his uniform and down to a jock and nothing else. Felix smiled at the sight, shaking his head.
Matty had an objectively impressive ass but it didn’t do a thing for Felix.
He glanced over at Jonah and his breath caught at the sight of his back, muscles rippling, drenched in sweat.
Felix ducked his head and peeled tape off his socks, mouth dry, feeling lightheaded. Now that did something for him.