Page 150 of The Waiting Game

He was a solid player and after his wrist surgeries a few years back, his play had only improved.

Somehow, despite the thoughts swirling in Jonah’s head, he managed to finish the interview, though he let Felix take the lead on a lot of it. Thankfully, it was all easy stuff and by the time they were done, Jonah felt a bit better about how it had gone.

When it was just the two of them in the car, they discussed what they were doing next and agreed to head to their condo building. They both needed to pick up some clean clothes and check on their places. They’d be in Toronto for at least four more days and had decided to spend that time with Grandma Ji-min.

At the moment though, Grandma Ji-min was out with the SAPs, so they wouldn’t have to worry about her.

Jonah parked in his usual spot but before Felix could get out, Jonah asked, “Did you mean it?”

“That I’d retire to stay with you?” Felix asked with a lift of his eyebrows.


“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Well, we’re not … I mean … I wasn’t sure if that was just for—for the interview.”

“I don’t want to play anywhere else, Jo,” Felix said earnestly. “I don’t want to go to another team and not have you there. I want what we have now and I want—” He sighed. “Look. Are you sure this is a conversation we should be having right now?”

“Probably not,” Jonah admitted. “What you said just really surprised me.”

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to do that.”

“I know.” Jonah swallowed past a sudden lump in his throat.

“We’re not Hartinger and Murphy,” Felix said with a frown. “I get why they made the choices they did but I don’t need for us to retire together. I don’t expect that of you.”

Jonah nodded. That made sense. Ryan and Zane had played together their entire careers. Jonah didn’t blame them for wanting to retire at the same time and start a family together. Jonah and Felix had been apart for more of their pro careers than not.

And they were only pretending to be in a relationship anyway. Or maybe not? Fuck. Jonah didn’t know anymore.

“Yeah, I agree,” he managed.

“But the thought of being traded to Florida or Arizona or whatever …” Felix frowned. “I don’t want that. I mean, the teams themselves are fine and I wouldn’t mind the hot weather instead of the miserable winters we get here. When I signed the contract with Toronto, I was okay with the idea of eventually being sent somewhere else but now …”

Felix didn’t finish the thought and Jonah wasn’t sure what he could say to that anyway. He should ask Felix what had changed for him but they’d agreed now wasn’t the time to talk about it. So what could he say?

“Your contract is good for a couple more seasons. Let’s not worry about it now. Let’s go grab our clothes and focus on the stuff that’s happening now,” he managed instead.

And Felix nodded, seeming to relax. “Sounds good.”

Half an hour later, after Jonah had checked on his plants and packed what he needed, he was surprised that Felix wasn’t ready. They’d gone to their respective places and agreed that they’d text each other when they were done. Felix was usually way more efficient than he was.

You ready? Jonah texted.

Give me a few. I was talking to Ismael so I’m running a little behind.

Jonah’s brows lifted as he stared at the words. Was this just a normal check-in or had Felix needed to have a more serious conversation about what had come up at the interview?

Everything okay?

Yep. Just wanted to get some thoughts out while they were fresh in my head. Give me ten and I’ll be down.

Sounds good.

Jonah dicked around his condo, fiddling with his plants to tamp down the anxiety suddenly coursing through him.

When his door opened, he turned to face Felix.