Page 127 of The Waiting Game

The way Jonah would be there for him.

“Felix?” Jonah whispered. He reached out to touch Felix’s face. “Everything okay?”

Felix leaned into the touch and pressed close. “Yeah. Just want you to know I –”

The door to their room rattled. “Stop making out and get down to the bus, losers!” Matty called.

“I really hate our team sometimes,” Jonah grumbled.

Felix laughed and brushed his lips across Jonah’s. “Me too. But we’ve got a date today and some time to fool around before pregame naps to look forward to later.”

Jonah smiled. “Yeah. That sounds good.”

Felix did his best to focus on video review that morning but he was acutely aware of Jonah’s thigh pressed to his as they watched the video coach dissect Montreal’s plays and what they needed to focus on to beat them.

While they were in the gym doing some stretching and light conditioning, Felix finally had to face the other way or get distracted by the way Jonah’s T-shirt rode up on his stomach and the light trail of hair that disappeared under his shorts.

Today, he was definitely getting his mouth on Jonah’s cock.

After their workouts, Felix didn’t even try to go in the showers at the same time as Jonah. He knew himself too well to risk it.

He was finally able to relax when they got in a rideshare to return to the Jardin Botanique de Montréal.

On the way there, he slid his hand along the seat to tangle his fingers with Jonah’s. Jonah shot him a curious look but squeezed his hand back.

“Sure you don’t want to head to the hotel now instead?” Felix murmured.

Jonah laughed softly. “Want to? Yes. But we’ve got a game. I don’t want to mess with our pregame routine any more than we already have.”

“Seems to be working well so far though,” Felix said.

Jonah gave him a slow, pleased smile. “Yeah, it is.”

It was a warm, sunny day so they spent it wandering the outdoor gardens. Everything smelled green and fresh and even Felix had to admit the space really was gorgeous.

But mostly, he enjoyed watching Jonah in his element as he read plaques and exclaimed over plants and took photos for Dr. Henry.

“Should I be jealous?” Felix asked, pressing closer, crowding into Jonah’s space.

“Of Henry?” Jonah sounded incredulous. “No.”

“He did send you flower underwear,” Felix teased. “I don’t know. Sounds to me like he’s into you.”

Jonah scoffed. “He only sent a link! And you’re so far off base you have no idea.”

They continued to wander but a little while later Felix realized they were being followed. A teenage boy wearing a Fisher Cats Pride jersey had been trailing behind them for a while now.

Felix leaned in and whispered that to Jonah, finishing with, “I think he’s trying to work up the courage to say hi and ask for an autograph. Think we should put him out of his misery?”

“Oh yeah. Definitely.”

They both turned and the kid went wide-eyed as they approached him. He was maybe thirteen or so, with short blond-ish curly hair and a slight frame.

“Hey, there,” Jonah said with a friendly smile. “Nice jersey. Are you a Cats fan?”

“Yeah.” The boy grinned. “A big one. All my friends in school are into the Lynx but I love you guys.”

“You have great taste.” Jonah held out a hand. “I’m Jonah.”