Page 58 of A Surprise For Sage

“I know what you’re thinking with the doors. They don’t match.”

“They don’t, but I can understand the functionality. You could be in here working and want a breeze or fresh air where at night you wouldn’t want that.”

“Exactly,” he said. “I’m using this as an office, but it could be a little sitting room. I just figured I’ve got two living rooms downstairs. I’m not going to watch TV and look out at the water in the distance. If I want to just chill with a beer and look at the water, I’ll sit on the deck.”

“Good point. So, you want to know my thoughts?”

“I do,” he said.

“I’d cover half of the deck and then screen it in if you want. Keep out the bugs and birds. Put a door on it and keep the other half just like this. This way, you can keep your bedroom doors open wide and get a nice breeze at night if you want without any worries of bites or bird crap. You end up getting the best of both worlds.”

He smiled at her. “I thought of that too. I’m pretty handy and do a lot of things, but some things I can’t or won’t do. I don’t have the time. That would be something I couldn’t do. I’ll have to see if I can find someone to give me an estimate and maybe do it in the spring.”

“I’m sure you’ve got a lot of contractor contacts,” she said.

“I do,” he said. “One being Zane. He does things like that too. I know big contractors throwing up houses or ones like Zane who are doing home renovations more than new construction. Kind of two different worlds, but I’ve worked with Zane in the past on jobs where a homeowner contracts us both.”

“I’m not surprised in a small area like this,” she said. “I do like your house. It’s a lot of space for one person. Do you have nice memories here?”

“I do,” he said. “I think it’s because my father didn’t buy it until I was an adult. He bought it after I graduated from high school. I’m not sure why. I often wonder if he thought I needed my own place and it could provide it without the pressure.”

“Like he didn’t want to insult your pride or something?” she asked.

“Maybe,” he said. “He had a small house by campus. It had two bedrooms and an office. It was a good size for him. He’d never wanted to marry again. I don’t even know if he dated. He was just absorbed in his work and I think scorned by my mother. Let’s say he was big like I am. I get my height from him, but he was kind of nerdy.”

“Like you were in eighth grade?” she asked, smiling. “You know I’m joking, right?”

“I do,” he said. “I was socially awkward at twelve. He was that way at fifty.”

“I don’t think you were socially awkward, Knox. I think you were a friendly kid. You always talked to me and were outgoing.”

“It took a lot of courage for that. I think I only did it because you were friendly back. If you weren’t, I would have just kept quiet.”

She hated that he’d said that he was grateful she wasn’t a bitch back in school. She might have been called that at times, but weren’t most teenage girls?

She never thought she was purposely mean to anyone.

“I’m glad you didn’t. Now how about you cook me that dinner you promised?”

“I can do that,” he said. “I’ve got wine too if you’re interested.”

“I’m always interested in a glass of wine. I wish the weather was a little warmer. I think wine on the patio would be wonderful.”

There was a bite to the air with the sun down at this point. It was five thirty and would only get cooler.

“I’ll light the fire pit,” he said. “I was going to grill steaks anyway. Let me start the fire pit now, then after dinner it will be perfect.”

“Can you leave it unattended?” she asked.

“I can,” he said. “But we’ll be out there.”

“I kind of hoped that after dinner we could check out how sturdy your bed is. Then come back down and have another glass of wine.”

“Sounds like the best suggestion I’ve heard in years.”