Page 54 of A Surprise For Sage

“Never,” she said. “We all like sexy guys to stop and say hi.”

“How many are stopping to talk to you?” he asked, frowning.

“None,” she said. “You’re the first. Lucky me. But all my coworkers have their own sexy guys that stop in now and again.”

“Oh,” he said. “So it’s a common thing?”

“Somewhat,” she said. “Not all the time. Everyone works.”

Sage had filled him in on most of the people. They were just names to him and what they did.

He knew Ivy worked with Sage the most besides the owners. And that Ivy was engaged to Brooks who was an investigator with the State Police.

“True,” he said.

“This is my office,” she said. “Not very big, but most of the offices aren’t here. Lily has the biggest but even then not that big. This is where the three sisters used to live with their mother. It was converted to offices and then they expanded the second floor of the retail store to have more office space since they were growing.”

“I hear there is a guy in here?”

He turned his head and saw a brunette with a big grin. “Daisy Jones, this is Knox Bradford. Daisy works with Rose.”

“I remember,” he said, reaching his hand out to shake.

“I gave Knox a rundown on the who was who and that he remembered is awesome. Most men, it goes over their head and they have to be reminded,” she said.

“I’m sure I’ll mess up. You’re engaged to a doctor?”

“Theo,” Daisy said. “You’re good.”

“Not good enough to remember his name,” he said.

“He’s cute, Sage. And I won’t stay any longer. I hear feet coming up the stairs.”

Daisy snuck out and then Violet popped her head in with two more women. They looked like sisters to him and he guessed they were Jasmine and Dahlia.

“Knox, this is, Jasmine, and her sister, Dahlia.”

“I figured. You look somewhat alike. Dahlia works up here with you and Jasmine in the greenhouses. Both are having babies?”

“Wow,” Jasmine said. “He’s good.”

“I should quiz you on who they are with but won’t,” Sage said.

“Jasmine’s husband owns the marina. We went to dinner there and I met your mother-in-law, Mona.”

“Ding, ding, ding,” Jasmine said.

“Dahlia, I remember FBI.”

“Yes,” Dahlia said. “Hugh works for the FBI. I’m going to take my sister out of here and give Sage peace. You lucked out with none of the sisters here. Rose would have been great. Poppy would be dragging you around like Ivy would do if she had her way.”

He watched the three women leave. Violet was just grinning at him and not saying a word.

“Sorry about that,” Sage said. “I expected more, but this late on a Friday, you did luck out. Rose is actually home with baby Colin today. She tries to work from home when she can. The same with her husband, Thomas. Poppy ran to the manufacturing plant to take care of something and then she’s going home. She’s doing double duty with Lily out.”

“It’s nice they can all make it work,” he said. “Sorry again for just stopping over.”

“No worries,” she said. “I’m winding down for the day too. Just catching up with Ivy on a few things and then I’ll be calling it a day.”