Page 45 of A Surprise For Sage

What he knew was that his half brother never asked him for anything. Ever.

The young guy had a job since he turned sixteen and bought his car with the help of his father. He knew Blaze did have a relationship with Zach and visited his father often.

Maybe he was jealous that he didn’t have that with his own father. That Zach and Blaze got along well even though Zach was on the road and in different states for work all the time.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “I know you won’t ask me for anything.”

“It’s all good,” Blaze said.

He normally sent his brother decent holiday gifts. Most times gift cards with a few things to open. When Blaze graduated from high school, he’d given him a laptop to get him ready for college. Then sent him a TV and mini fridge for his dorm room. Things he knew his half brother would appreciate.

“So Mom is trying to pull one over on me?” he asked.

“No clue,” Blaze said. “I didn’t even know she was aware there was a holdup with the bank. It’s not like she is cosigning it or anything.”

“Then how would she know?” he asked.

“Could be she signed into the parent portal to check the bill,” Blaze said. “She can do that. She has the username for it from when I started. My dad does too. I mean, Mom has paid for the meal plan or my father has when they can. Or put money on my account here for books or activities.”

At least his mother was doing something for the past few years.

But he was more inclined to think his mother was looking to be nosy and see if Zach was doing things for Blaze that she wouldn’t be told.

“That’s probably it,” he said. “She didn’t see it was paid then.”

“Most likely. The school is fine. They aren’t going to make me pay fees or anything. I got a letter from the bank that the loan is coming. I do appreciate you calling and checking though.”

“No problem,” Knox said. He felt better at least. “If you need anything, just reach out directly. You know that, right?”

“I do,” Blaze said. “But it’s not on you. You’re not my parent.”

Blaze was laughing. “I know,” Knox said. “But...not to speak ill of Mom…”

“No need to speak ill of it,” Blaze said. “We know what she’s like, but she’s still our mother.”

Blaze was just much more accepting than him. Had to have gotten that trait from his father.

Knox hated that he probably got the unforgiving and not accepting trait from his mother, but he was trying to turn it around.

“She is,” he said. “Which is why I answered the call but then told her no.”

“I’m sure more was said than that.” Blaze was still laughing.

“She brings the worst out in me. I didn’t know if she’d call and tell you I said no. The truth is, if you need it, I’ll help. I’m just not helpingher.”

“Understood,” Blaze said. “I kind of feel the same way. I always knew I’d need loans. Pretty much everyone does. That’s why I work as hard as I do to pay them off quickly or have the bare minimum. It’s life. Not everyone gets left millions.”

It was said tongue-in-cheek and not in a mean way.

“No,” he said. “Not everyone does. I shouldn’t have it now. It still should be with my father, if he was here to enjoy it.”

“I know,” Blaze said. “No amount of money makes that better.”

“It doesn’t,” he said. “Seriously, reach out if you need anything. I mean it.”

“Will do, but I won’t.”

Which he figured would be the answer.