Page 97 of A Surprise For Sage

“I’m sure she is already set,” he said, laughing. “Because she cooks and hosts and all. Nonna even said that.”

“Don’t even get me going with Nonna last week. I can’t believe she put me on the spot like that.”

“You did learn how to make a few things though,” he said.

“I did,” she said. “And I’ll be trying them out on you. No comparing. She’s been making them for decades.”

“As long as I’m not the one doing the cooking, I’m all for it.”

“You cook just fine,” she said. “I appreciate everything you do. I really do.”

“The same,” he said.

They got out of the truck. Knox was carrying the food and she grabbed the two bottles of wine she’d bought too. He was told not to bring beer, that Trace had more than enough.

“We are here,” Sage said, walking in. “Where do you want these?”

“On the table is good,” Violet said. “We’ve got another showing up tonight too.”

“Who?” she asked.

“Laurel. She doesn’t know anyone here and Heather was at the plant talking to Aster and Laurel came over. She extended it and I said that was great. No worries.”

“Who is Laurel?” Knox asked. He didn’t remember meeting her.

“She started this week,” Violet said. “I don’t know her that well, but Heather has been working with her. She’s going to be overseeing the operations at the plant too. They need someone in charge of the work. Poppy has been covering for Lily, but we know with all the babies and pregnancies, they are stretched thin. I think with the growth they’ve had it’s about time they do this.”

“Do only women work there?” he asked. He found it commendable on one hand but odd on another.

“No,” Sage said, grinning. “There are men there, obviously since Aster was hired. But they are few and far between. I know Lily struggled with this position. She had three candidates and two were men. They were all qualified about equally, but it came down to two things.”

“How the other workers would relate to a man versus a woman coming in and being their boss?” he asked.

“That was the most important thing,” Violet said. “They are used to dealing with the three sisters. Just not promoting within might have caused issues already but bringing in a man could have been more.”

“There was no one that could do it within their workers?” Sage asked. “Trust me, I know what it’s like to be passed over for positions.”

“I don’t believe so,” Violet said. “But I don’t know that much about it. Only what I hear from Jasmine. And she doesn’t know much either. She’s at the greenhouses and not the plant. Anyone who works in the plant but needs the flowers for oils goes to the greenhouses. They liked Laurel and, you know, the name and all. Kind of fate.”

“What’s with her name?” he asked.

“Laurel is a kind of flower,” Violet said.

“Good lord,” he said. “I didn’t know that.”

“Lots of women's and men's names are actually flowers. Like Aster.”

“What?” he asked.

“It’s a plant in the daisy family.”

“That’s why I think Aster and I will get along,” Daisy said, walking in with Theo.

“Daisy gets along with everyone,” Theo said.

“I’ve got a few stuffed breads,” Daisy said. “Meat and vegetarian. I’m starving.”

“Set them on the table,” Violet said. “Unless they need to be heated up.”