Page 93 of A Surprise For Sage



“Are you ready to start stuffing your face all day?” Sage asked the next morning.

She was still beating herself up internally over the way she introduced Knox to Brit.

It was a bitch move on her part to let the mean girl in school know that not only did Knox turn out great but that Sage got him in the end.

It’s not like Sage had to run home and work for her family’s business. Yes, Sage did look up a few things on social media and saw that Brit had gotten divorced and come home.

They all had shitty things happen in their life that resulted in where they were today.

She’d be the first to say she knew what it felt like.

And though she didn’t want to talk about it much, she felt she owed some explanations to Knox.

Talking about her job a little let him see how stressful her last employers were.

He’d even said it sounded so silly to him that a simple mistake could blow up that way when nothing ever came about it.

That had been her life daily at her job. Thanks to Henry ghosting out of her life, her “poor choices” as many had called them back then, couldn’t be separated from her personal and work life.

She knew most of the pettiness came from someone else who thought they should have gotten her job. It was always that.

And when she left, that person was promoted. Good for them. She hoped Selena was getting shit on just as much as her.

She didn’t know. She didn’t look. She didn’t ask. She had no contact with anyone from her previous job other than Kate. And Kate wouldn’t talk about those things because, like her, Kate tried to stay out of it.

Not once that she was aware of, did Kate come to her defense at her last job and she wouldn’t have wanted it. They worked in two completely different parts of the business and one had nothing to do with the other.

She wouldn’t go to bat for Kate because she didn’t know enough about Kate’s job to do that.

Plus she didn’t like having someone stick up for her and then have it add to the fact she only got where she was because of other people and now they needed to fight her battles.

At Blossoms, none of that mattered.

She learned that no one thought she got her job because of Violet. She was getting congratulations all the time on how well the Holly Bloom Foundation did this year because of her work and with any luck there would be some news coming on the one of a kind pieces that Poppy could make for Mateo.

“I can’t wait,” he said. “No one will be upset if I don’t eat all seven fish dishes, right?”

“Nope,” she said. “There are a few I don’t eat. One is baccala. It’s salted cod. I can’t stand it. My father and Nonna are the only ones that eat it. Until Violet came and she ate a ton of it. I think that won Nonna over.”

“Oh boy, guess I should eat it.”

He was laughing and she bumped her shoulder into his. “You already won her over at Thanksgiving and you know it.”

The minute the word soulmates came out of her nonna’s mouth, she knew. Nonna hadn’t met Henry. Looking back, maybe Sage knew deep down it wouldn’t work.

There was part of her that knew Nonna would make comments on Henry being too slick and fancy for her from the comments her family made alone.

Just because she’d worked in the fashion industry, she wasn’t this fancy flashy person deep down. Neither was Kate. Kate might look it on the outside, but on the inside, she was the girl from Staten Island who was best friends with her brother and could swear like a drunken sailor when she had too much wine.

“That’s a good thing,” he said. “I didn’t eat a lot of breakfast because you said there are snacks out all day.”

“There are. She’ll have so much out and then by dinner no one is even hungry, but you can’t help yourself. We’ve convinced her to have some of the fish spread out now. So I think shrimp cocktail will be a snack and a crab dip. Lunch could be linguine with clam sauce. Nonna does a spicy red sauce.”

“That sounds awesome.”