Page 79 of A Surprise For Sage

He was stunned to hear those honest heartfelt words, matched with a massive smile.

Maybe he could still have a relationship with a family member that was worthwhile.



Aweek later, the snowstorm mess was not only cleared but the weather also warmed up to above fifty for a few days melting the majority of it.

That was the kind of winter that Sage liked. Get a glimpse then go away.

Blaze and Mark were able to get flights out on Monday morning, Knox dropping them off before getting started on his day.

It was actually nice staying with him and the two younger men.

The power came back on in the middle of the night Saturday, but it hadn’t mattered for them.

They’d watched movies, played poker and, unbeknownst to her, Knox had a video game system and the three guys spent hours doing that while she got some work done.

Tonight the two of them were going to the Blossoms' Christmas party, but she had a few hours left before they had to get ready and Knox would be picking her up.

When she was looking through her closet trying to figure out what to wear, she heard her phone ringing, but it was Facetime.

She ran to get it and saw it was Kate.

“Hey there, Kate. What are you doing calling me on a Saturday afternoon?”

“It’s night here,” Kate said. “I’m flying home tomorrow.”

“Oh yeah, you’re in Rome,” she said. “You missed all the snow, but I don’t think it was as bad in the City.”

“I heard about it,” Kate said. “Glad I missed it. But I’m calling with good news. I couldn’t wait to share it.”

“What?” she asked. “Are you going to start modeling again?”

“No way,” Kate said, giving a mock shiver. “I’m too old for it. And I can barely handle the cutthroat shit I’m dealing with now.”

“You love it,” she said. “It feeds you to see what is up and coming.”

“It does,” Kate said. “And because I put in a huge order with a designer and there is a show coming up in the spring, they are always sweet to me.”

“We like that when they are sweet. Guy or girl?” she asked, laughing.

“Guy. I had Francine with me. You know the looks I get from guys when they see two hot women together.”

She was laughing when Kate crossed her eyes and wiggled her tongue out of her mouth.

“You’ve told me enough,” she said.

“Well, let’s get to my news,” Kate said. “Mateo loved the Blossoms bag I had with me. One of Poppy’s leather totes. They work out great because I’m carrying my laptop and other things.”

“Oh boy,” Sage said, bouncing on her toes.

With Kate’s and Harmony’s help, the Holly Bloom Foundation sales for the year were three times higher than their highest year ever. She’d been dancing every time Kate posted something with her wearing one of the items.

“Yeah,” Kate said. “I used that time to say I knew the owners personally, showed Mateo the site and said that they’d love to custom make any piece for a runway.”

“Get out!” she screamed and burst out in a little silly dance.