Page 73 of A Surprise For Sage

“You had half of one too,” she said, nudging his shoulder with hers.

“You had one slice,” he said.

“I’m not a huge fan of frozen pizza and I wasn’t that hungry. The boys seem to feel like this is an adventure.”

His brother and Mark were laughing when they got into Knox’s last night and talking about how cool it was and the stories they could tell their friends.

Knox all but rolled his eyes and said he wasn’t thinking it was so cool while he was racing to get them and worried they’d be stranded.

Then he showed the boys the rooms after Sage was introduced, and told them they could wash their clothes since they only had one other outfit, which was dirty and they’d worn it yesterday.

Knox had brought down a few more sweatshirts for them to wear, but he was bigger than them both when it came to jeans, though he handed over some sweatpants too.

Sage had stayed in the kitchen and put the food away. She’d make some sauce and meatballs later today. It was a good day for it and she was positive the three guys were going to put away a lot of it.

“They are too young to see or feel the worry like I did,” he said.

He pulled her close and put her under his arms.

“They weren’t dressed for winter in the Northeast either,” she said.

“Don’t even get me started there. I get it. They flew in for the game and didn’t want to bring jackets thinking they wouldn’t wear them much. But they should have at least checked the damn weather forecast.”

“Not much that can be done now,” she said. “I know he’s your brother and you’d do anything for him even though you aren’t close.”

“I would,” he said. “I’m glad he knew he could call me.”

“It has to be a hard relationship,” she said. “Knowing that your brother contributed to your parents’ marriage ending.”

He sighed. “I used to think that but don’t anymore. Their marriage would have ended at some point regardless. She was never going to change her actions and it was only going to be a matter of time before my father had the proof he needed. I think it was harder for him to know he’d been played and then made to look like a fool.”

Sage knew that feeling all too well but wouldn’t say that.

At this point, Knox knew she had an ex and it didn’t end well. He knew that her ex had worked with her too. Even knew that her family wanted to hunt the guy down when it ended.

Knox hadn’t asked once for more details and she was glad about that. They hardly ever talked about their pasts other than when they were in middle school or him with his father.

It was probably for the best for now.

She was learning that Knox had opinions and she was afraid that those opinions of his mother and others who cheated would carry over to her.

She didn’t cheat. Never that.

But being the other woman, however blinded of that she was, he might not understand.

She didn’t understand it either.

Feeling like a fool and being looked at that way was almost worse than the heartbreak.

But as she’d said so many times, she was putting it behind her.

She had to be because for the past month or so she knew she was in love with Knox, but she hadn’t said a word.

The fact he went racing out of Mystic as fast as he had yesterday to get his brother only showed what a great person he was.

A caring one that put those in his life first.

“You don’t know any of that because you didn’t talk to your father about it, did you?”