Page 72 of A Surprise For Sage

Even if that meant he had to get a private flight out of the airport across from his house. It might cost more, but he wouldn’t care. Right now there was no way he was bringing them back to Logan with rescheduled flights either. He’d deal with that when the time came.

When they got into Groton at a little after four, he knew he was flying on the road. The wind was throwing his truck around, but he didn’t care and it didn’t seem the troopers on the highway did either. He imagined they were letting everyone get home safely.

“Do you guys care if I stop at the store first?” he asked. “I’m sure it’s nuts, but I should get some food in case we are stuck in the house.”

“We don’t care,” Blaze said. “I’m stuffed right now and happy for it.”

He turned and pulled into the grocery store parking lot. It was packed as he expected, but he’d make a mad dash for it.

He left the truck running for them so they didn’t get cold and all but ran through the aisles getting a package of chicken, ground beef, bread, eggs, cereal—he remembered Blaze liked Frosted Flakes as a kid—milk, pasta, sauce, sandwich meats, and a ton of snacks. Easy enough and would carry them over.

Ten minutes later he was in the truck and pulling out.

“Damn, did you buy out the store?”

“It’s three bags,” he said. “And I ran through the aisles. I got lucky with a fast cashier.”

When they pulled into his garage, he saw lights right after him, Sage coming behind him. He pointed her to the second slot next to him so he wouldn’t have to dig her out tomorrow.

“Hey,” she said, getting out. “Perfect timing.”

“It is,” he said, leaning in to kiss her. “I’ll introduce you all in the house. Grab bags and let’s get inside and thank our stars we are here now.”

“You’re such a good big brother,” she whispered in his ear.

He smirked and reached for the last bag of groceries, as the boys each had one and Sage got the bag of their fast food. Not one burger or fry was left and he was glad he’d bought enough.

Now he just had to make sure everything was set in the house if they lost power, but he’d deal with that later now that his heart rate was finally slowing down.



The next morning, Sage rolled over and noticed that it was still dark in Knox’s room.

She turned and looked out the French doors and saw the snow coming down harder than it was when they went to bed.

“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” he asked.

“Did I wake you?”

“No,” he said. “Just lying here thinking about what to do with my brother. The snow won’t stop until later tonight. He’ll be lucky to get a flight out Sunday night. He’ll have to call our mother today.”

“It’s the right thing to do,” she said. “Or she might be worried.”

“I’m sure. I don’t want to parent him. He’s an adult. I’ll gently bring it up. If I can figure out a way to charter them back to Virginia I will. Trying to get them back to Logan isn’t going to work. I don’t think there will be any flights until late and I’d never bring them and leave them without knowing for sure.”

She didn’t even want to think about the cost of a private flight. It wasn’t her business. How or who Knox spent his money on wasn’t her concern. She’d never been one of those women that worried about that stuff. She’d like to think she took care of herself and that was all that mattered.

“I said it last night and I’ll say it again. You’re a great big brother. You could try to get them a flight out of Connecticut or Rhode Island.”

“I could, but I’m sure it’s going to be as crazy. I’ll have that conversation with them at some point.”

She turned and picked her phone up and saw it was barely six. She snuggled back in some more.

“You’ve got enough food and we’ve got power,” she said. “They are safe and that should be everyone’s only concern.”

“It is,” he said. “I’m glad I stopped at the store. They ate two frozen pizzas last night.”