Page 50 of A Surprise For Sage

“No,” Kate said. “I didn’t tell him. It’s new. That honeymoon phase. A few weeks, but it’s wonderful to have that feeling again. The crush that turns into something more. Where everything is rainbows and unicorns. Storm clouds will come at some point and the unicorns end up shitting, but I’m going to enjoy this while I can.”

Sage burst out laughing at that description.

“Sounds like my life, but since you just shared yours I’ll share mine. I’m seeing someone too.”

“Yay us,” Kate said. “I’ll go first. Her name is Francine and she’s from Edinburg.”

“Scotland?” she asked.

“Yes. She’s got the most adorable accent.”

“Where did you meet?” she asked.

“She’s here for a few months for work. She works for a modeling agency that has an office in Manhattan. I was at a party and we met.”

Sounded like the way Kate met up with most women. “So it’s a short-term thing?”

“Most likely. We aren’t looking for more. Why go in with all these expectations? It never works out. And if it does or can, then we’ll figure it out. But she’s here until the first of the year. Could be longer.”

“Perfect for you,” she said. “Gives you time to have fun and show her the town.”

“I won’t be traveling again until December and it’s only a week. Then I’ve got a three-week period where I’ll be traveling the UK at shows and talking to designers.”

“Which you love doing,” she said.

“Tell me about your man,” Kate said. “Or are you coming over to my side after Henry?”

Kate always joked about that. “With the drama you tell me about with your women, no, thank you. I’ll stick with men. His name is Knox Bradford and I knew him in middle school.”

“What?” Kate asked. “Seriously? Are you going to tell me this is one of those reconnection things on social media?”

Kate hated that as much as she did.

Sure, Sage’s job was being on social media all the time. She was always posting and had a great following and interacted with her followers multiple times a day. It was part of her job too.

But she kept most of her personal life out of it. She always did.

“Never,” she said. “I met him here when he knocked on my door.”

She told Kate how it all happened and what had been going on since.

“Oh my,” Kate said. “That is like a romance story come true.”

“I guess so,” she said. “He’s a great guy. I mean, he was a nice kid and I’m not surprised at what a great man he turned out to be.”

Listening to Knox talk about his mother on Saturday. How he handled the call and then calling his half-brother.

He had no obligation to do any of that. And though she was sure five thousand wasn’t a big deal to Knox, she had no idea of his financial status or his business.

Sure, he had a house worth over a million that had been left to him. She was guessing the value, as she hadn’t seen it, but she knew the location and home values in that area.

But that was wealth in assets, not cash.

And it wasn’t her business either and she wouldn’t ask anything personal like that.

“Listen to you all but singing his praises. Good for you. More so after Henry. What a dick he was. I was right there with Nonna wanting to kick his ass. If I could have found him, I would have driven Nonna there.”

Sage started to laugh. Kate was really a part of the family, spending most of her holidays with them and had for years. Though Kate’s parents were alive, it was a strained relationship.