Page 44 of A Surprise For Sage

No late bloomer there.

It’s not that he didn’t get along with Blaze, but they were twelve years apart and didn’t spend any time together.

His mother made it difficult for him to visit for any holiday or anything once he moved out and had a home base with his father

Then he got his own place once he’d gotten a job. He didn’t want to take advantage of anything.

“No,” his mother said. “I’ve been living with Shane for six months.”

News to him, but he didn’t care. He was sure Blaze didn’t either.

“And you’ve got a job.”

“Having a job and coming up with five thousand dollars are two different things,” his mother said. “You have it. Why can’t you help?”

“Because Blaze isn’t my kid and thanks to you we don’t even have much of a relationship. He’s not in trouble.” Which in his eyes would be different. “He’s in college. I’m sure he gets aid like most kids. Five thousand a semester for a loan isn’t the end of the world. Actually it’s pretty low compared to a lot of kids.”

“You’re impossible,” his mother said. “I don’t know why I even try. That’s nothing to you in terms of money and you know it.”

“Mom, I’m done with this conversation.”

He hung up after.

What he hated more was the fact he was beating himself up over this while he did his chores.


Why was he feeling guilty over this?

Blaze wasn’t his responsibility.

Just because he felt some sympathy over the life Blaze had, which wasn’t much different than his.

At least he thought so. It’s not like they talked much.

They had nothing in common and were so far apart in age.

Thirty minutes later, he was in the house and went to take a shower.

When he was done washing up, the guilt was still eating at him.

He picked his phone up and sent a text to his half-brother asking him if it was true and if he needed money for tuition or was their mother just trying to hit him up for money like she always did.

It was an hour later when Blaze replied that his loan was being held up, but it’d be fine. No worries.

He could let it go but didn’t. He just couldn’t and called Blaze.

“Hey, Knox,” Blaze said when he answered. Blaze was always upbeat.

“Hi,” he said. “Sorry to bother you. I probably woke you up.”

“It’s fine,” Blaze said. “I’m up and getting ready to go to work.”

“You’re working?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Blaze said. “Waiting tables on the weekend. Last night I had the dinner crowd and worked until closing. The same tonight, but I’m tutoring a few groups too, so that is what I’ll be doing before I go to the restaurant. Don’t worry about the tuition. Not sure what Mom is up to. The loan is going to be processed. It’s just some glitch on the bank’s end.”

He had no idea what Blaze was going to college for. Or that he was smart enough to even be tutoring other kids.