Page 41 of A Surprise For Sage

“Yes,” she said. “Once I talk to Kate, which hopefully will be this week, then I’ll start doing my research on influencers and what I can send out and how I think it might help. I’d like to do a few testers if I could. It’s best to start there before I start hitting up agents too.”

“I figured as much. Well, Daisy’s future sister-in-law might be someone you could contact. Daisy could give you the information. But Harmony is great. I can send you all her links. She works in New York City doing digital content for some firm. Her job is pretty much teaching businesses how to maximize their social networking reach and while she was starting there, she’s built this huge following. She has the most of anyone in her company.”

“Really?” she asked. Sage was surprised she was just hearing about this.

“Yes. Harmony is so pretty and realistic. Theo, Daisy’s fiancé, has always said Harmony is like her name. She is this ray of sunshine. She just pushes happiness into the world when she posts and doesn’t even try. This is one of her posts that got her going viral. She says she was only doing her job.”

Ivy pulled up a video from a few years ago of a stunning young blonde woman at an animal shelter. How a scared stray dog was cowering in the corner with everyone that went near it, but Harmony got the dog to approach her and had the place cheering.

“That’s such a good story and it was just a video clip,” she said. It was focused on the right things to get the maximum effect.

“I know. That is Harmony. She is all about happy posts. Nothing negative. Nothing picking on anyone. She wants to spread goodness but not be over the top. I just think what the Holly Bloom Foundation stands for is exactly what would be perfect for Harmony. She already has a lot of Daisy’s pieces and she’s bought other things in the store when she comes.”

“But if she had one of every piece and could wear them or talk about it in some posts, it’d go a long way,” Sage said. “I should talk to Rose and Poppy about it first.”

“They knew I was going to talk to you about it,” Ivy said. “Since I thought of it the other day, they said I should be the one to let you know.” Ivy had her iPad on her that she walked around with and turned her emails over. “Just so you don’t think I’m making it up. Here is an email from all three of them saying they loved the idea and to have you talk to Daisy.”

“You didn’t need to show me that,” she said. “I would have taken your word for it.”

Though she did appreciate that Ivy was respectful that way. Not that she thought anyone was setting her up here, but she still felt enough of the burns from her last job.

“I know,” Ivy said. “But now you’ve got the proof anyway. Daisy will love the idea. Harmony will too. She’s really great.”

“Then I’ll talk to Daisy today about it and try to figure out the best way to see what Harmony has in mind and if she’d be willing to do it.”

“She’ll do it,” Ivy said. “Trust me.”

“Thanks,” she said rubbing Ivy’s arm. “I appreciate it and you. And all the help you’ve given me since I’ve been here. It’s nice to work with other women who want you to succeed and not hold you back and watch you fall on your face.”

“Since I’ve fallen on my face and my butt enough in my life, I’d never want anyone else to have to go through that. Together we all succeed even more.”

“We do,” she said.

Ivy left after that and Sage went to her computer to pull up Harmony’s social media accounts that Ivy had sent her. She was going to check the young influencer out and see if she could get some ideas before they made contact.

She was feeling an excitement she’d been missing for years with her job and loved it.



The following Saturday morning, Knox was home and getting ready to mow the lawn. Thankfully he didn’t have that much of a backyard to take care of in terms of lawn maintenance. He’d put in a nice patio area and had a small patch of grass that could have a swing set or a place for a dog or kids at some point.

If he ever got there.

For the past few years he’d been hoping but didn’t know if it’d happen.

Maybe he was waiting for the right person to cross his path and she finally did.

Not that he’d ever tell anyone that.

He’d sound like an idiot...or a wuss.

Yeah, better to keep that information to himself.

Though things were going great with him and Sage, it hadn’t even been quite a month.

He was just opening the backdoor when his phone went off. He didn’t have it on him. Didn’t need it for doing work around the yard.