Page 40 of A Surprise For Sage

“I can’t wait to meet this guy,” Ivy said, giggling. “When do we get to do that?”

Sage shrugged. “Not sure. Maybe the Christmas party?”

“That’s a few months off,” Ivy said. “But I get it. We all have so much going on.”

“We are both busy. All of us,” she said. “But he never felt like he could ask me out. One of my friends said something mean to me about Knox. When I turned, I’d seen he’d heard it. I apologized back then and did again over a month ago.”

“That is nice of you,” Ivy said. “I would have too. No one likes to have mean things said about them.”

“No,” she said softly. “Which is why I think you can understand and relate to this. Trust me, I know. I think we all do. But what I realized was that he wasn’t going to make the first move with me on anything. Thinking back, I asked him for the first date.”

“Because Poppy pushed you,” Ivy said. “I heard. That part made the rounds. Poppy is the best.”

“She is great,” she said. “She gave me a little nudge that I needed. Then I made the first move with a kiss. I’ve been giving out hints about, you know...”

“Getting down and dirty,” Ivy said, wiggling her hips again.

Sage laughed. “Yeah. But my hints didn’t seem to get through and I finally decided it was time. Knox met Trace and Violet yesterday.”

“And meeting family made it feel right,” Ivy said. “I know that.”

“It did,” she said. “We went back to my place and, well, the rest is history.”

“History enough to make you walk funny,” Ivy said. “I think that is why you were wiggling your hips around.”

“There might be a tad bit of soreness. It’d been almost a year and we did it a few times.”

Once when they got in the door. Another after they’d had a snack and then right before he was going to leave, she pulled him to the couch one more time. Good thing she had condoms in her place because he’d only had the one on him.

She’d told him she was always prepared.

“I went almost two years without sex before Brooks. I know what it’s like to feel sore after but not want the night to end either.”

“There you go,” she said. “Just like that.”

“I’m happy for you,” Ivy said.

“Thanks. I’m happy for me too,” she said.

“I did come in here for a work reason,” Ivy said. “You know that the Holly Bloom Foundation pieces are going live on the first.”

“I do,” Sage said. “All the promos are set up to go. I’m finishing up the newsletter to blast out that day. I’m excited about it. I know it’s a big thing and the biggest thing I’ve tackled since I was hired.”

From October through the end of the year, only limited edition pieces were sold with a hundred percent of the profits going into a foundation used to help young girls with anything from college scholarships to everyday essentials and counseling that might not be afforded to them.

This year they were spending more on advertising, and since it would be the fourth year they’d done it, Sage had a standard to meet and hopefully blast it out of the water.

“I love this time of year. Poppy told me that you were going to talk to Kate at some point. I won’t say anything.”

“I know you won’t,” she said.

As an assistant to all three of the sisters, Ivy was privy to a lot of the decisions being made, but with Lily out on maternity leave still, Ivy was kind of the go-between for anyone who needed something to bring to Lily once a week that the sisters or Ivy couldn’t deal with.

“I had a thought. Not trying to crowd you in your job or anything.”

“I want to hear it,” she said.

“Social media influencers are things you said you wanted to try to tackle, right? And then it got shifted to Kate?”