Page 38 of A Surprise For Sage

It was words like that that touched her when no one else had been able to do that.

Or at least she felt they were real words and not ones to set her up for pain.

“You’ve grown into your height. I like it. But I like the person you are much better,” she said.

“It’s the body and the face that changed for the fact that you’d go on a date with me,” he said, laughing.

She noticed it didn’t reach his eyes and felt bad about that.

“Don’t do that,” she said. “Don’t make what we just experienced into something from the past. I don’t need that on my shoulders.”

She got off the bed before him and walked into the bathroom. When she was done cleaning up, he was still in her room looking as if he didn’t know the next step.

“Sorry,” he said.

“No,” she said. “I am. You were joking.”

“It hit a nerve,” he said. “Just like before, it sounded better in my head than coming out of my lips. I get it. I’m used to it.”

“Don’t get used to it. Don’t compare. Let’s just see what we’ve got and go from there. Neither of us needs to bring our pasts into the present. Deal?”

“Sure,” he said, reaching for her. “Deal.”

“Then let’s shower and you can wear me out again.”

“I can do that,” he said, smiling. At least it reached his eyes this time.



“Someone got lucky this weekend.”

Sage turned to see Ivy walk into her office when she was standing against the shelving unit looking for a binder.

“Huh?” she asked.

Ivy almost glided into her small office space and shut the door. “You got lucky. Finally. I know. I can tell.”

Ivy was doing one of Poppy’s little dances. Not really booty popping, but her arms in the air and her hips swirling around. With the loose dress that Ivy had on that had hit her knees it was now floating up like a hula hoop barely covering her.

It just made her laugh. “You did that move on purpose with that dress on.”

“Oh yeah,” she said. “I was really whipping my hips around this morning in front of Brooks trying to flash him, but it wouldn’t work. I had him laughing though. Almost got him to drag me into the bedroom, but he chose work instead. Bummer.”

She smiled. “You’re cute.”

“Thank you,” Ivy said, curtseying. “It’s hard work loosening up my man.” Ivy put her hand up and showed off her engagement ring playfully. “If it was up to me he’d be mine sooner, but you know, got two knocked-up sisters so the least I can do is wait for them. Plus my parents are going to come for my wedding so by me waiting a few extra months they will be here to meet the two newest grandkids.”

“Which is sweet of you to hold off,” she said. She’d only found out last week about Dahlia’s pregnancy.

She’d met Dahlia’s boyfriend at Heather’s wedding over a week ago but had no clue that Dahlia was pregnant. The two of them hadn’t been dating long, but she wasn’t going to judge either. They seemed very happy together.

“I can be sweet,” Ivy said. “And we are getting off-topic. We need to talk aboutyou.”

Sage knew there was a massive grin on her face. “What about me?”

“That you got lucky this weekend.”