Page 29 of A Surprise For Sage

“I don’t,” her mother said, “but decided to do one to two Saturdays a month. I take another day off during the week.”

“As long as you aren’t working too much,” she said.

“You don’t need to parent me,” her mother said. “What’s going on with you? Isn’t it Heather’s wedding today? I thought you’d be gone.”

“I’m leaving soon. I’m all ready and thought I’d give you a call.”

Her mother would remember about the wedding not just from her mentioning it but Trace would be there too.

“Is there something going on that you need me to know about?” her mother asked. “You don’t normally call me on the weekend when you’re doing things.”

She wasn’t surprised that her mother had figured it out.

“Actually,” she said, “I’m dating someone. Been on a few dates now. Violet knows and she was going to tell Trace. I figured you’d rather hear it from me.”

“That’s good to hear,” her mother said. “I’m glad you are trying again. I know how hard the whole thing with Henry was for you.”

She let out a sigh. “It is what it is. I can’t go back and change anything as much as I wish I could. I just didn’t think my career would have taken such a big hit in the process.”

“Your career didn’t take a hit,” her mother said. “You worked your butt off there for years and got nothing out of it but shit work and you know it. Kate said it all the time even when you wouldn’t tell us.”

She did hate that. She loved Kate, but Kate looked after her like an older sister. Gave her advice and told her to stand up for herself.

She’d tried, but it always came back that she got the job because of Kate. That maybe she didn’t deserve to be any more than she was.

Just because she had a marketing degree, she didn’t have one in fashion and that had been shoved in her face more times than she cared.

They didn’t think she fit into that world. She wanted to ask if it was because she wasn’t snobby enough but never did.

Kate came from the same background as her and never had that problem.

No, that was wrong. Kate had been a model and she knew fashion. She looked the part.

Sage tried to look the part. She thought she did a good job of it too. It’s not like Kate didn’t always take her shopping and give her advice.

Sage was just more casual with her fashion.

She supposed Kate could get away with some of the things she did and said because of who she was, but Sage always knew there were a lot of people who didn’t think Kate should have had her job either.

It was the world she worked in and didn’t realize it was so cutthroat until she experienced it.

“I did work my butt off,” she said. “And now I have put it behind me.”

“You gave up your dream,” her mother said. “I hate that for you. I remember the little girl who tried to design dresses and got frustrated.”

“It wasn’t meant. I can’t draw well. I can’t sew. It was a love I had, but even then it was a basic love. Then I changed it to how I wanted the world to see what I could be selling.”

“And now you’re doing it,” her mother said. “In a different industry. Sort of.”

“Sort of is right,” she said. “It’s still fashion but not the same. I fit in here better.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” her mother said. “And we got off track. This guy you’re dating. Who is he? How did you meet? What’s his name? Give me all the details that you can in the time you’ve got remaining.”

That’s more like it. “His name is Knox Bradford. Mom, we went to middle school together.”

“You’re kidding me,” her mother said. “Wait. I remember him. He had a crush on you or something, right? Small skinny kid with thick glasses?”

She burst out laughing. “Oh yeah. That was him. It’s not now.”