Page 22 of A Surprise For Sage

No, it wasn’t forced. It was real.

Maybe she didn’t feel that way for months with anything other than her job, but the past weekend made her almost giddy.

She had to tell herself to slow the hell down because the last time she rushed she ended up looking like a fool and being the talk of the whole company. Not to mention the hit to her judgment and self-esteem.

Yeah, not happening to her again.

“Maybe you are,” Poppy said. “But there is a much bigger smile on your face today. I hope it’s a man that did it.”

“It is,” she said. “But I know to not let a man be the only reason it’s there. I can’t let someone carry that much weight ever again.”

“Ahhh, sweetie. I know that feeling. I don’t know what happened to you and it’s not my business.”

“It’s not that,” she said. “I haven’t told too many. It’s just...sometimes you want to put it behind you. I’ve done that.”

“Not completely if it's still lingering enough for you not to let go and move on.”

“I’m getting better,” she said. “I let go this weekend and had a blast.”

“I’m so happy,” Poppy said. “Do you want to share? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“What have you done to Poppy McGill? Who are you?”

Poppy laughed. “I’m learning too. I can’t always be so intrusive, as my sisters remind me.”

“We love you for it though,” Sage said. “I know I haven’t been here long, but you’re all great.”

“When someone clicks, they just do. You might have only worked for us for six months, but we’ve known you longer. You know that.”

“I do,” she said. “And the clicking thing. I always believed in it, but maybe my judgment is slightly off.”

“You’ll figure it out,” Poppy said, waving her hand.

Sage knew Poppy wanted some information so she decided to share. “Friday night we met out for dinner and drinks. It was nice. He’s funny. More outgoing than I ever thought he’d be based on how I remembered him.”

“I wish I could see a picture of him before and after. Are you going to bring him to Heather’s wedding?”

“No,” she said. “We’ve had two dates and I had already RSVP’d as a single. It’s too soon to bring him anyway. It’s fine.”

“I understand,” Poppy said. “You mentioned Saturday?”

“Oh yeah,” she said. “You’ll appreciate this. So even though I’m a little out of the game and not so sure of myself, I’m having some fun. I gave him a simple little kiss at the end. I knew he wouldn’t do it. Then we made plans for Saturday but didn’t set them. I left him hanging.”

“Sweet,” Poppy said. “Those are the fun times.”

“I thought so. By ten I hadn’t heard from him so I asked what his plans were and if he was up for an adventure. When he said yes I sent him the link to the escape rooms.”

“Ohhhhh,” Poppy said. “Big tough man to save you.”

“That had been the plan, but he was the one screaming more than me. It was hilarious and he had a great sense of humor over it.”

Poppy was laughing. “Good for him.”

“He mentioned he liked to be able to control things or plan them out. I know a lot was out of his control as a kid. I feel bad at some of the things he’s said.”

“I won’t ask even though I want to know, but I’ll be respectful of that. The fact he told you is interesting though.”

“I thought so too, but I think he thought I knew some of it. I try not to listen to gossip and didn’t pay attention.”