Page 18 of A Surprise For Sage

He couldn’t remember the last time that happened.

Hell, he wasn’t sure yesterday was a date. But at the end, she reached for his hand in the parking lot, leaned up on her toes and kissed him on the lips, then said, “So, I know I might not have been interested in the eighth grade, but I am now if you are.”

“Yeah, I am,” he’d replied.

“Then how about we do something tomorrow too unless you’ve got something else going on.”

“Nothing as exciting as seeing you again,” he said.

She’d smiled at him and nodded her head, then left him standing there watching her pull away.

It wasn’t until he was home that he realized they’d made no plans.

She texted him at ten this morning to ask if he was up for an adventure. He didn’t know what she had in mind but said sure.

The next thing he knew there was a link to an escape room. He’d never done it before, but she booked them in the entry level one at five. He was meeting her there at ten of. Then they’d probably get some food.

When he was out of the shower, he towel dried his hair, then ran his hands through it. He rarely combed it, it just fell the way it wanted to anyway and that was why he kept it on the short side, but he knew he needed a trim. Something he should have done today if he could have squeezed it in.

He walked into his closet, grabbed jeans and a T-shirt, got dressed and drove the fifteen minutes there to meet Sage.

All that went through his mind was that this would have been a cool date as a teen and something he would have loved doing with her back then.

Maybe it was just karma to do it now at thirty-two when they didn’t get that chance at twelve. At least he wanted to think that.

He’d always found her a nice girl and now he knew she was a nice and considerate woman. Could be she had some secrets like him, but he wouldn’t judge her by them. He wasn’t giving her all the facts of his life and didn’t expect she would either.

When he pulled up to the building, he saw Sage getting out of her SUV and parked as close to her as possible. He’d wanted to offer to pick her up, but she’d said they’d meet and he figured it wasn’t worth arguing with her. It wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Hi,” she said. “Have you done this before?”

“No,” he said. “Never. If I scream like a little girl you’re not going to hold it against me, are you?”

He was joking...but not really. Spooky things always freaked him. He hated to be caught off guard.

Could be since his whole life felt like one surprise after another.

Now he wanted more control, but he knew it wasn’t always possible.

“I might be screaming with you,” she said. “I’m pretty sure if I jump in your arms you’ll catch me, right?”

“Absolutely,” he said and hoped a bunch of blood didn’t rush to his dick with that thought. The one where she was in front of him, her legs wrapped around his waist.

Talk about a teenage fantasy.

“Let’s go in and get ready,” she said. “I’m so excited. I haven’t done much since I’ve lived here other than going out to eat or hitting the casino with friends. I’m sure I could have gotten Ivy to do this with me.”

“Only her?” he asked, opening the door for her.

“Maybe Daisy. But both of them are engaged. Daisy’s fiancé is a doctor and he works or is on call a lot so I always hate asking her to do things if he’s around. The same with Ivy’s fiancé who is an investigator with the state police.

“Okay,” he said. “Does everyone have a flower name?”

She laughed. “No. Though there are a lot. I told you there are over a hundred employees, but most of the flower names are in the offices or retail shops with the exception of a few in the greenhouses or the owners.”

“Still a lot,” he said. “It’s funny.”

“Or as many of them say—fate. It’s working and it’s fun too.”