Page 15 of A Surprise For Sage

“My brother told me about this place,” she said.

“Your brother lives here too?” he asked.

“Part of how I ended up here. I was working in Manhattan. It ended up not being the job I thought I’d have.”

“That happens a lot,” he said.

“Don’t I know it. I’d been there since right out of college, but things weren’t going my way. That’s the best way to explain it. Trace came to Mystic to research a new series and ended up falling in love and moving here.”

“A new series?” he asked.

“I forgot. You don’t like to read. My brother is T. Manny.”

“Impressive,” he said. “Even I know who he is.”

“Yeah,” she said. “I make sure I read those books so when people put the two together I don’t sound like I’m not supportive.” She waved her hand. “Anyway, his wife works for Blossoms.”

“I know Blossoms,” he said.

Which of course now it occurred to him the name Poppy and the Bloom sisters. They owned and operated the business. He’d even done a job once with Zane Wolfe. Or they were on site at the same time as a home renovation doing their parts.

Zane was married to Lily Bloom.

“Hard not to in this area,” she said. “I’m the Marketing Director. They knew some of what I did prior and Violet, my sister-in-law, would call and ask me things. Lily did too. She’s the oldest of the sisters, but you probably know that.”

“I do,” he said.

“Anyway. They are just growing so much and needed to branch out. They created this position and I thought, why not? A change of pace never hurt anyone. So there you go.”

“Seems simple enough,” he said.

Only he had a feeling it was anything but.



Sage was pretty proud of herself for giving just enough and coming off convincing.

Knox and she were eating their waffle fries covered with cheese, bacon, and chives. She could dive in and bathe in the ooey gooey mess.

She was hoping she wasn’t coming off like a pig, but she didn’t eat like this often. Most times she stuck to healthier foods. Living alone, it was easy to make salads, eat yogurt or drink smoothies.

There was a time when she cooked nice romantic meals. The whole “whatever you want to do, honey” had been her life for eight months and she loved every minute of it when Henry would say those words to her.

She should have realized it was too good to be true and that Henry had some secrets he was stashing away like the youngest of ten kids making sure no one stole their share.

“Doesn’t everyone want their life to be simple?” he said.

“I know I do,” she said. “I try to find it. I feel like maybe I’ve got it here.”

“It is a great place to live,” he said. “I’ve got more than enough work to keep me busy but not so much that I can’t keep up.”

“Is it just you or do you have some employees?”

“I’ve got three,” he said. “One other electrician that I can send on jobs alone and then two electrical techs. Guess that is a good word for them. They do just about everything but a few things. I can leave them alone on a job and then go back and sign off or double-check it at times.”

“I didn’t picture you as the type of person that would want to be the boss,” she said.