Page 14 of A Surprise For Sage

“I’m sorry for that,” she said. “I’m so close to my family. The thought of losing either of my parents makes my heart race right now.”

“Consider yourself lucky,” he said. “Say what you want to say to them while you can. You never know when you won’t have that chance.”

It’d been hard for him to move into the house left to him, but he wanted to do it to feel closer to his father.

It never happened. It felt as if no one could get close to his father.

His mother had said that for years and used it as an excuse to cheat.

In his eyes, that was wrong every day of the week. You just didn’t cheat on someone. For any reason.

But his father tried in his way.

He was the only person who helped Knox when he was sick of being jerked around by his employers.

His father had won the lotto the year before his passing. Knox found it an ironic twist of fate that his mother got nothing at that point other than more misery since she always bitched his father wasted money on his weekly lotto tickets.

In his eyes, his father had it coming to him for the time he’d been led to believe he had a second son and found out otherwise.

There must have been no words to explain that to anyone. Or the embarrassment that would have come with it.

His father used some of that money to let Knox start his own company and get on his feet.

Then a year later when his father had a seizure and hit his head when he fell, his life had ended. A freak accident they’d said.

If he hadn’t requested the autopsy, he wouldn’t have even known it was a seizure that caused his father to hit his head.

They’d had plans to meet for dinner that night. When he got the call that a student found him in his office, he’d thought it was a joke.

All he had left of the man that he was so angry at for years was a house and a shit ton of money that would never buy him what he wanted. The time to make it right.

“That’s a good thing to remember,” she said.

“So how did you end up here?” he asked. “We can turn this around to you.”

Just then their beer came out and their loaded fries at the same time. She was rubbing her hands together. “I’ve been dreaming of these all day since we agreed to meet here.”

He laughed when she reached in and snagged one.

The hostess grinned. “Are you ready to place your orders?”

“I’ll take the bacon burger,” he said. “Since I’m eating fries now, can I just get a side of mac and cheese and leave the fries off?”

“Sure can,” the server said. “How do you want your burger?”

“Medium,” he said.

The server turned to Sage. “I’ll make it easy for you and get the same.”

When they were alone, he asked, “Did you really want that or wanted to make it easy.”

“Both,” she said. “It’s a double win. Dive in. These are awesome.”

She was putting some on a plate so he did the same.

He wasn’t sure if she was stalling telling him how she ended up here or just starving as she’d said.

“These are great,” he said. “I haven’t been here before, but I’ll be back.”