Page 117 of A Surprise For Sage

“See,” she said, pointing her finger. “You immediately jumped to me being the bad guy. I just explained to you that I didn’t know why he was breaking up with me or where he was going or anything. Don’t you think I’d know that if I knew he was with someone else?”

He shook his head. “How could you not know? Are you telling me there was no sign of him being with someone else?”

Her face was crimson now. “This is where I was a fool. Looking back. Yeah. He traveled for work, but I didn’t think much of it. When he was out of town we didn’t have hardly any contact at all. If I called him it always went to voicemail. He never talked to me until he was on his way back. Even text messages were few and far between.”

“That should have been a clue right there,” he said.

“Really?” she asked. “Is that because your mother did those things? I’ve never cheated on anyone. I’ve never been cheated on. I didn’t know what to look for. Why would I? I’m not a pro like you think I am. I’m not devious. Though I can tell by the look on your face you think I’m lying to you.”

“You know how I feel about this,” he all but snarled at her.

“That’s right,” she yelled. “And it’s why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want you to judge me, but you’re doing a damn good job of it anyway. Instead of feeling bad for what I went through and that I can understand how your father felt, you think I was the other woman rather than the victim.”

She was yelling at him and her words were making sense but not enough for him to stop from getting his keys and walking to the door.

“I can’t deal with this right now.”

“So another guy is just going to walk out of my life without talking about it?” she asked, throwing her hands in the air.

“It’s not the same thing,” he said.

“No, it’s not, but you’re sure the hell treating it that way. You said you don’t beg anyone, you better start thinking about that more now.”

He opened the door and slammed it on his way out.

He was wrong every day of the week for his reaction, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself and realized that he was seeing his mother’s face when Sage was trying to explain and realized he was more messed up about his past than she was.

Knox was positive this had to do with not feeling as if he deserved or received the forgiveness he needed from his father before he passed and it was transferred onto him and what his father should have done or said to his mother.

None of that ever happened.

His father just calmly told his mother to get out and that was it.

Not much more reaction on that end.

Guess he was more like his mother than he thought based on the way he just lit into Sage that was completely uncalled for. He heard but didn’t listen and let his emotions take over.

Did Sage say he’d have to beg?

Looked like he’d be swallowing his pride if he wanted to make things right.

Which he did because he wasn’t going to be a fool like his father and walk away. Not that what Sage did was anything like his mother had and he was an idiot for even letting his mind go there. The sad part was, she kept this from him for this very reason and all he did was prove her right.



“When are you going to talk to Knox?” Trace asked her on Saturday when Sage was visiting her brother and his wife.

“No clue,” she said. “I’m not making the first step. There is no reason for me to. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve been hearing it for a year that I didn’t do anything wrong in terms of Henry and yet the one person I thought would stand in my corner told me the opposite.”

It felt as if any man she got close to her in her life didn’t back her.

How could she have such shitty luck when it came to men?

“I’m so pissed off,” Trace said. “He had no right to say what he did to you.”

Sage couldn’t hide how upset she was the next day at work and Violet was the first to come talk to her. Thankfully, her sister-in-law kept everyone away. She stayed in her office and worked and then went home.