Page 113 of A Surprise For Sage

“Always,” she said. Violet set it on her desk and Sage reached for the card and pulled it off. “I don’t know what the reason would be, but I find it sweet.”

When she pulled the card out though her smile dropped.

“What is it?” Violet asked. “Or who is it from?”

“The asshole,” she said, tossing it down.

Violet picked up the card and read it. “Sage, I’m really sorry about everything that happened. I never meant to hurt you. I hope you can forgive me. It seems you’re doing well and I’m glad, Henry. He has some nerve,” Violet said.

“I don’t want that on my desk or in my office. I’d say to throw it out, but that is just wasteful. You can put it in the breakroom.”

“I’m not eating any of it now,” Violet said. “No matter how good that chocolate-covered strawberry looks.”

She laughed at the way Violet was eying it. “Eat it,” she said. “I’ll have one too just so you can.”

“Phew,” Violet said. “I didn’t want to be that person that ended up eating it when I shouldn’t. Or sneaking it after I said I wouldn’t.”

“Stop,” she said, giggling and grabbed one off for her and one for Violet. “I have no idea why he sent this. It’s been over a year. It feels like it’s a joke.”

“Why a joke?” Violet asked, biting into the strawberry.

“Everything is turning out so well with work here and yet my past just won’t stay where it is.”

Violet knew about the social media posts being done by Blossoms and Kate. Even Mateo had been doing some from his line and company.

Things were falling into place and yet she was being sucked back to the past by a trap door where she couldn’t let go of all the bad shit that happened to her.

“Just because Henry sent you fruit. I mean I find it odd, but you said everything, so something more has to be going on other than him.”

She debated for a few seconds and then said, “I’ve been getting messages from an old coworker.”

“Messages like what?” Violet asked.

She explained the two messages from the person who replaced her. “Kate told me that Selena was pretty much out to get me. I didn’t know it at the time other than she wanted my job. She started everything and even told everyone about Henry. Now that I’m doing well here, she’s got to stick some shit in a bag and put it on my doorstep.”

“You don’t have to step on the bag though,” Violet said. “You can pick it up and toss it back. It’s your choice to let it bother you.”

“I know,” Sage said. “Why is it bothering me so much?”

“I can’t answer that for you. You need to get out of your head about your worth. You’re allowing something beyond your control from a year ago control you now. Why?”

“It wasn’t beyond my control. I could have told Henry no when he approached me. I decided to date a coworker. Someone who was in a higher position than me. That was my choice and I’ll be paying for it.”

“Stop being the martyr,” Violet said, laughing.

“Really?” she asked, shocked that Violet said that and was even thinking it was funny.

“Yes,” Violet said. “You’re not the only one who has made poor dating decisions. You didn’t know. It just sucks it crossed over from your job to your personal life and vice versa. Like a double hit when the truth came out.”

“No, I didn’t know,” she said. “I told Knox about Henry. Everything except why he moved.”

“Why not say that?” Violet asked. “It’s not like that part was something you had control over.”

“Because of his history with his mother. Things are going so well and does it matter at this point?”

“I don’t think so,” Violet said. “But I’m not you or your relationship. Your brother and I had secrets we kept from each other. Nothing stays secret forever when you love someone. It always comes out. Just keep that in mind.”

“I know,” she said.