Page 102 of A Surprise For Sage

That they didn’t have anything in common. His father didn’t pay attention to his mother.

Nope, not going there either.

No comparison and he hated that it even popped into his head.

He opened the oven door and checked on the chicken he was cooking. There were potatoes in the water that he was going to turn on soon. He wanted to have dinner on the table for her. Or at least started.

To him a relationship was shared responsibilities and he was going to show her that.

No more being selfish and thinking of himself.

When he saw the headlights pull into his driveway, he went to the mudroom and into the garage to hit the button for the door for her to pull into the garage. He should give her an opener, but he never thought much of it.

Well, he did think of it, but he didn’t want her to feel pressured either.

“Hey there,” she said. “Oh, it smells good. Are you cooking dinner?”

“I am,” he said, pulling her into his arms for a hug and a kiss.

“What’s that for?” she asked, hugging him even tighter.

“I missed you,” he said. “I know we talked or texted daily.”

“But it’s not the same as this,” she said. “I know. I felt it too.”

“How did it go?” he asked. “Dinner is almost done. I’ll take the chicken out and let it sit and the potatoes shouldn’t be much longer either. I’ve got a bag of mixed vegetables I’m going to just toss in the microwave.”

“Sounds like a great meal to me. You didn’t need to cook, but I appreciate it. I enjoy going out to eat like the next person but not when it’s every meal for days. I’m glad to be home.”

“How was the flight?”

“Not horrible. We hit some turbulence flying in and were glad to land. Poppy joked that the baby might have gotten whiplash from her moving in the seat so much.”

“Not anything I want to experience,” he said.

“You don’t like to fly?” she asked.

She took her jacket off and hung it up, then slipped her boots off too.

“I can do it and don’t mind, but it’s not something I do often.”

“Me neither. I’m like you when it comes to it. If I was going on vacation or something that would be different.”

“So you don’t think you have to do this again? Travel for work?”

“No clue,” she said. “I doubt it. It was fun, but it was a crazy few days. We spent all day with Mateo and it was great. Poppy has a ton of ideas. She went there with them and then she drew them up and used the fabric samples they showed her. They gave her a bunch to bring back which will help her. Everyone picks on Poppy for being a little bit of an airhead, but she’s not. She knows what she is doing and is great at it.”

“I’m not sure I’d think she was an airhead. She just enjoys and embraces life more than most.”

“That is a good description. I had such a great time with her and Kate. Kate flew in on the day of the meeting from somewhere else. She wasn’t that far away. I think it’s going to work out great. I was as excited for them as for me. I know that is horrible and probably selfish sounding.”

“No,” he said. “It’s not. You should be proud of yourself. You got them there.”

“Kate did,” she said.

“Stop,” he said. “You did because you know Kate and you asked her.”

“I know,” she said. “I’m trying to remind myself of those things too. I feel I’m getting there.”