Page 18 of Jordan

Reaching behind his head, I untied the fabric wrapped around his face and in between his lips. The moment it was away, he began babbling, “I didn’t know what was happening. Honest. Once I found out, I tried to stop them. There’s video footage of me doing so.”

“Yes, there is, but what you don’t know is there’s also proof of you packing a truck in the middle of the night and sending it on its way with your brother behind the wheel. You think I don’t have eyes everywhere, even outside of the city, but I do. You’re a snake that slithers around my streets thinking you can sweet talk me and do as I ask, only to turn around and run your own illegal jobs.”

I flipped the knife open and ran the blade down his cheek, watching as blood pooled in its wake. “I do a lot of awful things, as my son likes to remind me, but I also stop reptiles like you from spreading your poison. You were trafficking women, ones you found in other cities, and loading them into a truck so you could sell them elsewhere.”

“No, that wasn’t me,” his voice trembled. “I wouldn’t do that.”

“Wouldn’t you? Your wife fetched a hefty price. You married her two years ago, lavished her with more than she could ever hope for. When someone offered you a large sum of money, you handed her over for a week on a secluded island. She didn’t return, did she?”

“She wanted to go. I told her how much we were offered, and she agreed to do it.”

“Was that because you told her it would be a week with one man? Or did you inform her there were going to be ten men lining up to gang rape her on camera? She took her own life. That was why she didn’t return. She couldn’t handle the abuse and bled out in a bathtub in her room.” When I was brought that information, along with the footage of William trafficking women, I knew I had to put a stop to him. I could have killed him outright, but I worried there were other women out there I didn’t know about. I also wanted the full list of his buyers. His brother was being dealt with as we spoke by one of my men.

“She knew there was a possibility of more.” His body shook so badly his teeth chattered. I thought he was about to break them.

“You’re like every other low-life, small dick asshole I’ve had at my mercy. You try to pass the blame, act like you did nothing wrong, instead of taking ownership of your actions.”

“P-please.” The scent of urine increased. It went down his leg and pooled on the floor.

“Where’s the list?”

“What l-list?”

With the knife in my hand, I brought it below his chest and dragged it over his shirt until I found a suitable spot to push it into his body where a rib wouldn’t get in my way. He screamed in agony. I didn’t stop there and turned the knife, twisting it for maximum effect.

“The names of your buyers,” I bit out. “You don’t keep it digitally. We’ve tried to find it and failed.” I had an incredibly skilled hacker on my payroll. He hadn’t been able to find anything outside of communication with a few of the buyers. “If you tell me where it is, and if there are other women out there on their way to be sold, I’ll let you live.” I wouldn’t, but I was a master at not telling the truth. Lies rolled off my tongue as easy as the truth did when I wanted them to.

“Anything. I’ll give you anything if you let me go.”

“Very well. Start talking.”

And he did. Luckily, Kayli recorded it, so we didn’t have to write it down. The list was hidden in his parents’ home in another state. They didn’t know it was there. I’d see if he was telling the truth about that. He’d lied through his teeth so far. There was no reason for him to lay everything out there now. Sure, he’d give me what I’d asked for, but not more.

We also got the names and routes of current trucks on the road. It seemed his organization was bigger than I imagined, though not too big where I couldn’t put a stop to it. I’d have to involve the cops I knew, who could send out information to other precincts. They’d look like heroes for gathering the intel. It was an easy way to keep them in my favor. They wouldn’t ask how I gained it or what I did on my end to stop it. They’d say they received an anonymous tip and investigated. I didn’t trust cops, but I wasn’t foolish enough to disregard them either.

By the time he was done, his tears had dried up, and he’d visibly calmed. This was the moment I lived for, when my prey thought they had a way out of the situation they were in.

William’s wails were so loud as I began, I would have a headache soon because of them. The blade of my knife was sharp enough to fillet the skin from his arms and chest. Then I went to work on his thighs before severing each one of his toes. It was a messy job, but I wanted to be the one to make him bleed. At least, for the most part.

Instead of chopping off his sad excuse for a cock, I gave the honor to Kayli. She masterfully severed it from his body followed by his balls, which she picked up and shoved into his mouth, using the knife to push them into his throat where he choked on them. With blood running like a river from his body, I finally put an end to his life and shot him in the head.

Raiden handed me a new suit to put on after I’d cleaned my hands. The one I was wearing was covered in blood and would need to be disposed of as well as the body. I didn’t wear my tailored suits when I tortured people.

I had a team outside waiting to mop up the mess and dispose of the body parts. No one would miss this piece of shit.

Of course, we’d still have to craft something, so his absence would be explained. If people in East Dremest started disappearing for no reason, fingers would point my way. But I wasn’t a stupid man. I had an author on my payroll who loved to write stories about what could happen to the individuals who crossed me. He had come through repeatedly with believable yet creative tales of these people’s lives and how they went downhill. If I wanted to sell a story, who better to weave the tale than a person skilled at it?

The sun had gone down by the time I made my way to the waiting vehicle. My phone sat on the seat, silently begging for me to check it. I needed my mind to be focused solely on the task at hand today.

A sigh slipped past my lips as I saw Leeland had texted me. I would have to deal with him. He wasn’t going to leave me alone until he had his cock buried in the senator’s daughter.

Me: When you provide me with my gift, I will give you an in.

He responded immediately.

Leeland: Barry has the details.

I didn’t reply. There was no need. I’d talk to Barry when I got home and see what he’d worked out with Leeland. The shipment he’d promised already had a destination lined up on my end. If everything ran smoothly, I’d have more money in my account and a buyer who would readily come to me when they were in need.