Was I having some sort of later in life crisis? I was sixty, for fuck’s sake. I shouldn’t be eyeing up every man who worked for me. Truth be told, it seemed to be Hartley and now Vail. I didn’t get hard looking at the guards who were always in my home.
I would have thought Vail’s criticism of my home would have turned me off. Apparently not. I liked that he didn’t say what he thought I wanted to hear. He spoke his mind to an extent. Would he get bolder if I wanted him to tell me more? Would he not hold back out of fear of what I might say or do?
Having others fear me was heady and necessary in my world. But Vail wasn’t a man who was out to take anything of mine. He was here to create a meal for my son, his partners, and myself.
Latte’s whimpering got louder the closer we were to the spare bedroom. I should start referring to it as her room. It was where I kept her toys and one of her beds. Romeo didn’t need to know she had multiple places to rest her head when she was tired. At least I didn’t let her sleep in bed with me. There were some lines I was very clear on. Dogs didn’t belong in my bed.
Vail’s grin was present when I peered over my shoulder at him.
“You really like dogs, don’t you?” I asked.
“How can you not? They’re big children who want to please us and shower us with love.”
“She certainly is that.”
I opened the door and Latte pushed through as soon as there was a large enough opening to wedge her body out of. Her tail wagged as fast as it could, getting her entire backside into it. She knew better than to jump, so she stayed with all four paws on the floor. Vail got down on her level and presented her with his face so she could bathe him in puppy drool. I didn’t let her do the same to me, but it was sweet to watch her lavish him with attention.
“You’re just the cutest girl ever, aren’t you?” he cooed. “Look how fluffy you are. And so soft.” He ended up sitting on the floor so she could climb onto his lap and smother him.
Leaning against the wall, I crossed my arms and watched them. A smile twitched my lips. That was as far as it was getting. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d smiled as big as Vail was. It was infectious watching him laugh with the puppy. She couldn’t get enough of him either.
His light blue eyes looked up at me. “How can you not get down here and love on her? She’s adorable.”
“She’s hairy and sheds.”
“You wouldn’t have her staying with you if you didn’t care about her.”
I kept my lips pressed together so I didn’t say that it was Romeo under my protection, not the dog.
Vail laughed as Latte knocked him over, so he was lying on the floor. “You could just as easily have her boarded while they’re gone or find someone to pet sit for her.” The idea of someone else taking care of Latte didn’t occur to me. Sure, I had people come here to assist with her, but that wasn’t the same as leaving her somewhere. Romeo cared about this dog. I wouldn’t admit out loud, I did too. She brought more life to my home.
“This was easier.”
“Sure, it was.” He winked. Vail fucking winked at me. No one joked with me or laughed around me. That wasn’t what I did. And yet, here he was, filling my hallway with peals of laughter while he had fun with Latte.
It made me want to get him into bed and discover what parts of his body were ticklish so I could hear his laughter again and again. To have his voice and happiness float through my home, giving it a new feeling I hadn’t realized was missing until right now.
But I couldn’t say any of that out loud. I couldn’t show emotion. Instead, I told him we should get back downstairs. My guests would arrive shortly.
Vail’s entire demeanor changed. He got to his feet and brushed the fur from his clothes. Latte went back into the bedroom, a bit more content to be in there now that she’d sniffed him. Hopefully, she was quiet when the others arrived. I wasn’t sure if they’d like her walking around while we ate.
Downstairs, Vail returned to work while I made sure the table was properly set. Irene usually set the table after she put dinner in the oven before retiring to her home for the evening. Tonight, I wanted to do some of this myself. It was my son, after all. What I set out might not be perfect, but I took pride in doing it.
Jordan thought I didn’t care or didn’t miss him. Having him here would be good. If I could mend our relationship a little at a time, I would.
Reghan let me know Jordan was on his way up with Dexen and Greer. Hopefully, Greer wouldn’t make me want to lunge across the table to stab him with my fork while we ate.
For years, the Lynx brothers protected my nephew, thanks to my brother putting them in their positions. He funded Greer’s education and Peyton’s training. While Greer went to college alongside Junior, Peyton stayed near Dremest and learned how to protect Junior. Once they graduated from college, they went to work. Now it paid off, and Junior was the head of his company and powerful in his own right.
What the Lynx brothers didn’t like was me. They were sure to keep Junior away from me, away from my influence. Not that I blamed them, but he was my blood, not theirs. Over the years, they created a formidable wall between us, one I didn’t put pressure on, knowing one day my nephew would come to me and he did just that. Since then, I’d talked to Junior more, but far from what a typical family member would. I didn’t like when there were obstacles between me and what I wanted. Junior and I should have had a closer relationship. It was my fault though. My choice of career didn’t endear me to anyone.
Then Peyton made his feelings known for Junior. And Greer had to fall in love with my son. There was no escaping the brothers now. I had to… tolerate them for my family’s sake.
The elevator dinged as I moved to greet them. Dexen was dressed casually in a pair of dark jeans and a deep green Henley. His copper hair looked a little more disheveled than usual. By the smirk on Greer’s face, I would imagine that was his doing.
Greer had his typical I hate you look on as he faced me and exited the elevator in front of my son. He swept the area with his eyes as if I’d allow a threat in my home, especially with my son here. Greer’s brown hair was longer on top and shaved on the sides and back, leaning into the badass look he went for when not working as the chief operating officer in Junior’s company. He was stacked with muscles and had tattoos on his arms. I was certain they were elsewhere, but I didn’t care to know what or where.