Page 65 of Jordan


“Maybe this will finally put an end to Gil bothering you.”

“I told Jordan not to go near him.”

“What the hell did you do that for?” she yelled, then quickly calmed when she heard the sweet whimper of her daughter. “Let Jordan kill Gil.”


“I know you don’t want to hear it, but fuck’s sake, Vail. Unleash the beast. Gil abused you for years. It’s time to put an end to this once and for all.” Cat had tried repeatedly back then to get me to leave Gil. I would, only to be reeled back in by Gil apologizing and promising it wouldn’t happen again, until one night it all became too much.

“It’s not that easy.”

“I beg to differ.” She took a sip of her coffee.

“More violence isn’t the answer.”

“In this instance…”

“I’m never introducing you to Jordan. You’re a bad influence.”

She grinned. “You know it. If I thought I could get away with it, I’d off Gil myself.”

“Jesus, Cat. You have kids.”

“And I have a brother.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re getting lots of dick. Of course, you are.”

I groaned and dropped my head back onto the couch. I loved my sister, but she was a handful.

“Listen,” she began again. “You’re in a new chapter of your life now. While I don’t love the idea of you being with a known criminal, at least he’ll keep you safe. Plus, you get to be with sweet Hartley. I saw him last year, maybe, I can’t remember now. I was in West Dremest running errands, and he was in the next aisle over. Before I could say anything, he walked to the register. I didn’t want to interrupt his day, so I went on with my business. He grew up hot.”

Rolling my head, I looked at her again. “Didn’t you just say he was sweet?”

“Sweet boys can be hot too. Besides, you need the sweet to balance out the spicy in Mr. Altair.” She waggled her eyebrows.

“You sound like one of his guards calling him that.” Not hot but Mr. Altair.

“Why don’t you invite me over so I can meet all the sexy men then we can debrief after?”

“Not anytime soon. Besides, wouldn’t Dana have something to say about you looking at a bunch of attractive men?”

She scoffed. “I’ve met the dancers at Untouchable. If he didn’t mind me fanning myself over them, he won’t about Jordan’s guards. He might not want me in Jordan’s home though.” She took another sip of coffee.

“No, he wouldn’t.”

“He doesn’t like the idea of you being there either, but he understands Jordan and Hartley make you happy, so he hasn’t brought it up.”

“I’m glad.” I respected Dana a lot and considered him a brother. The way he taught me how to cook, how he brought me into Untouchable, where I met so many amazing people, I’d forever be grateful to him. That didn’t mean I wanted him butting in to my relationship.

“Now what, since you won’t let me visit yet?”

“Now I’m taking one day at a time, doing what I normally did before, but this time I have a shadow everywhere I go.”

“Ollie is very nice to look at.” Cat sipped her coffee while she glanced toward her front door where Oleander stood on the other side. He preferred to remain outside and give us privacy.