My eyes held his. “I’m yours. I’ve already told you that, but I need to keep something that’s mine too.”
“Keep your house. I’m not asking you to sell it. Between its space and location, it’s worth a lot and you clearly love it. Hell, I’ll give you a fucking sledgehammer so you can tear this place apart if it makes you happy.”
“I couldn’t do that.”
“Why not?” He stood up straighter, no longer leaning against the window. “This is just stuff to me.” He motioned around the room. “I don’t give a shit about any of it.”
“You have a lot of expensive art.”
“Yes, to prove to others I’m worth more than they could imagine. So everyone knows who owns this shit and makes the money here. But for you and Hartley, I’d get rid of it all.”
“That’s a hell of a declaration of love, Jordan,” I said.
“I didn’t mention love.”
“No, and who knows if you ever will.” Once again it was his actions coming through. Sure, he said he’d get rid of things, but there was no confession of his feelings. That was in his willingness to clear out his home. “Fine. You want me to move in here? I will, but only if I can leave when I want. If I can do as I please and I’m not bound to any conditions by being here.”
“I don’t want to clip your wings, Vail.”
I nodded. Apparently, I let my emotions out and I was moving in with Jordan and Hartley. Was it insane? Absofuckinglutely. However, I could only fight this for so long. Yes, I’d given him me, but not everything. Now I was with the hope he would hold true to his word and not try to cage me.
A whimper returned my attention to Hartley. My hand was still on his dick, stroking against it like it had a mind of its own. He writhed beneath my palm.
“I’m sorry, Hart. I forgot to give you the attention you need.”
“You and Jordan talking made me hotter. Are you really going to move in? You really want me like that? I know you want him, but me too?”
“I wouldn’t have agreed to it if I didn’t want you. You’re part of this, part of us. Now I’m going to strip out of my clothes and we’re going to get to know each other in a way we never have before. I’m going to be yours as much as I’m Jordan’s. Is that okay with you? We have a lot to learn about each other. Our past selves are just that, in the past. This is me and you moving into the future with Jordan.”
“Forest is going to kick my ass for fucking you.”
“Forest has his own shit to worry about and given the shape you said he’s in, I doubt he could fight his way through an open door.”
“If your brother lays a single hand on you in anger, I’ll remove it from his body,” Jordan bit out.
Hartley shivered at Jordan’s words. While violence wasn’t my turn-on, clearly Hartley loved when Jordan got possessive like this. I had to admit, there was something to it. Not the threat of injury, but the way Jordan wanted to own us. As long as he kept his word and didn’t try to trap me here, I’d willingly fall under his spell more than I already was.
While the two of them stared at one another, Jordan silently seething and Hartley on the verge of coming, I stripped off my sweater, slacks, and boxer briefs, happy to rid myself of the clothes. My shoes and socks were already gone. Being naked was freeing, especially when I drew the attention of the two men in the room.
Jordan picked up the empty glass from the table and filled it before taking a seat at one end of the couch, facing us. I wanted to give him a good shot of what we’d look like together. While I was thinking about that, Hartley took his clothes off. It was my first look at him naked, at the beautiful man beneath the clothes. With slight ridges of muscles and enough hair I could run my fingers through, Hartley was beautiful.
There was no going back. The truth was, the moment I stepped in here that night to cook dinner, I was hooked on Jordan. With Hartley, someone who felt like home to me, I didn’t need anything else. These two were everything. I just had to hope neither of them would destroy me.
Well, wasn’t this an amazing position to be in? Not literally, at least not yet. But to have Vail naked and ready for me. To have Jordan watching us like we were the best meal at the nicest restaurant, and to have heat on top of it, I was a happy man.
Assuming Jordan wanted a great view, I looked down at the couch, debating if I should sit my naked ass on it or not. It was a nice couch which he’d obviously spent a lot on. Did Jordan want an ass print on it though? For all I knew, he walked around naked when he was alone and sat on the couch all the time. Lucky fucking couch. The one night I spent here after Jordan and I got together, I slept in his bed with him. Naked. The only time I saw him clothed was when he was out of bed, and he was in a suit.
“You can sit on the couch, Hartley,” he said like he could read my mind. Though if he had, he would hear the incessant inner ramblings of a nervous man. I wasn’t a virgin. This wasn’t new to me. With Vail, I was coming undone at the seams.
I took a seat on the couch, then realized I didn’t have any lube. Jordan, the mind reader he was, reached into a drawer in the coffee table and pulled out a tube. Either this man walked around naked, enjoying himself, or he anticipated getting off with one or both of us in the living room. Either way, I was grateful.
“Thanks,” I said and took the lube from him. Peering at Vail, I got an up close and personal view of his dick. He was hard and thick. Given the size of his body, his dick was along the same lines. At least I was fucking him and not the other way around. “How much stretching do you need?” I was literally speaking to his dick since it was right in front of me. I finally dragged my eyes up to find a smirk on Vail’s lips. Jerk.
He turned, giving me a gorgeous view of his ass. It was firm, the muscles flexing. He slowly lowered down, spreading his thighs to either side of mine, so he sat on my lap, facing away from me. He leaned forward to brace his hands on the table, exposing himself. Like this, I didn’t feel small compared to him. I felt like I had control while also giving the same to him. Maybe this was good for both of us. We could give and take. “Can you stretch me like this?”