Page 57 of Jordan

When I peered at Hartley, his head was down. I didn’t think Vail and Hartley had done more than talk. I would remedy that later once the others were gone. While I was happy with Vail considering us his partners, Hartley and Vail needed to be together too. They both wanted the other but hadn’t made a move to bring them together. Oh, how I couldn’t wait to witness them kissing and touching. It was not the time to think of this.

Turning, I walked to the dining table where Irene was setting food down. She roasted a turkey tonight. She said comfort food would do us all some good. There were several trips from the kitchen island to the table, bringing food in. I could tell Vail wanted to help, but one look from Irene had him staying in place. She loved to mother others. Her cooking a big dinner tonight made her happy.

“Yes, turkey,” Jordan said and took a seat. “Why don’t you ever serve this at the club and bring me home some?”

“Because the turkey we serve at the club is usually more dressed or in fancier dishes,” Dexen replied.

“Are you saying my dishes aren’t fancy?” Irene asked, placing a bowl of biscuits on the table.

“No, ma’am. Just that the food at the club is different.”

“I’m going to have to see what you’re serving.”

“No,” Vail jumped in. “I can tell you all about the food. I cook there.”

“Vail, if you think I don’t know what kind of club Dexen owns, you’re wrong.” She planted her hand on her hip. “Did it ever occur to you I might like to see those men up on stage shaking their dicks?”

“Jesus,” I muttered and dropped my head into my hands. Irene did nothing wrong, but the thought of her in Untouchable while men danced with nothing but a G-string on was not a sight I wanted to occupy my mind.

“I mean no disrespect, Irene,” Dexen began. “But if you come into my club, my employees will not focus on their work, rather the fact that you’re there.”

“I bet some of them could use an influence like me and home-cooked food.”

“Sir,” Raiden stepped forward.

I lifted my head and speared him with my gaze. “If you’re going to suggest Irene goes to the club, see yourself the fuck out.”

“No, though it might not be the worst idea. She’s a lovely woman.”

Irene reached up to pat Raiden’s cheek. “Thank you, dear.”

He cleared his throat when he saw me staring daggers at him. “Vivian’s on her way up.”

“Jesus Christ, what the fuck is she still doing here?”

“That’s my daughter, Jordan,” Irene chastised.

“I know damn well who she is. She drives me insane on a daily basis. I still don’t need an assistant.”

“You’re doing a good thing by having her work for you. She needs the money.”

“I’ll cut her a damn check, so she’ll leave.”

Irene was about to lay into me. I could feel it coming, as well as my own irritation rising to the surface. The fucking ding of the elevator drew all our gazes to it. And then… then the devil herself stepped out in a pair of black leggings and a navy shirt. Her clothes molded to her curvy body, adding to the confidence she always carried with her. Pepper Emerson was everything I loathed. Why? Because she was the literal devil.

She and I had an ongoing war, trying to one-up each other with gifts that implied gruesome death or something equally awful to the one who received it. The reality was, neither of us would hurt each other due to her son, Romeo. I did whatever Romeo needed, and that included not murdering his fucking mother.

“Well, well, Jordy, what do we have here?” That fucking nickname… Dash started it. It sent murderous rage through me.

I didn’t realize I gripped the knife until I felt Vail prying it out of my fingers.

“Pep!” my son exclaimed and stood to greet her. “What are you doing here?”

“JJ, it’s great to see you.” They hugged then she leaned back. I wanted her hands off my child. “Have you lost weight?” She looked him up and down.

“Just working out more with Greer.”

“Good for you.” She nodded to Greer. “A good workout not only feeds the body but the mind too. You boys should come to yoga with me. I have this instructor who?—”