Page 29 of Jordan

“He’s asked me to collect you and your dog and to take you to his home.”


“The dog, you, into the SUV.” He thumbed over his shoulder to a black Lincoln Navigator with tinted windows idling in my driveway.

“I’m confused and cold. Can you come inside so I can shut the door?”

Reghan followed me and closed the door behind him, blocking out the frigid air. I was tall at six foot four. Reghan had a couple of inches on me. Tahoe didn’t care how big he was and stared up at him while he waited for pets. “You’re sick, right?” Reghan asked.

“Um, yes. How did you know?”

“I’ll let you figure that out. The point is, Mr. Altair told me to come collect you so you can be taken care of at his home. He’s responsible for getting you sick and would like to remedy it.”

“How? He’s not a doctor.”

“No, but he has one ready to visit once you get there.”


“I’m sure you’ve gathered that Mr. Altair isn’t a patient man, nor is he used to hearing the word no. If you’d please gather whatever you need for the next few days, as well as what your dog will need, that would be great.” Tahoe barked. He’d had enough waiting. Reghan crouched in front of him so Tahoe could lick him and inspect him properly. Then the big, badass guard laughed. It was strange, yet it was a good sound. It let me know Reghan wasn’t just the muscle. There was a person in there who smiled and laughed.

“Jordan doesn’t need to take care of me.” I sneezed to prove my point. At least my words were effective. Except they weren’t and Reghan stood to hand me a tissue.

“You need to see a doctor. You also don’t need to worry about the dog. When Latte goes out, your dog can go too.”

“His name is Tahoe.”

He nodded. “Is he friendly with other dogs?”

“He’s fine with them. He’s pretty happy all around.” Except the one time he tried to break down the door to get to my ex, but I wasn’t thinking about that right now.

“This will be easier if you willingly come with me.”

That had my back straightening. When I left my ex, I vowed I wouldn’t let anyone ever tell me what to do like he had. “I don’t take orders from Jordan.”

Reghan’s shoulders relaxed, and he took a seat on one of the barstools at my kitchen counter. “Listen, Mr. Altair cares about you. I don’t question him. There’s something about you and…” He shook his head. “Humor me? I can’t go back there without you, or he’ll have my head. So, either you gather your things and get in the Lincoln with Tahoe, or I’ll throw whatever shit of yours I think you’ll need into a bag and I’ll put you over my shoulder.” He smiled to soften the threat. It was as effective as me saying I didn’t need Jordan to take care of me then sneezing.

The thought of Reghan forcing me to leave had my body breaking out in a sweat. The other option was me going on my two feet. Also, who was I kidding? I liked being in Jordan’s presence.

It would be nice to have someone help with Tahoe, but Jordan’s home was so cold and sterile. I looked around my kitchen, at the dishes piled in the sink because I didn’t have the energy to do them. It wouldn’t be awful to be taken care of until I felt better. I’d get a nice view while recuperating.

“Fine,” I agreed. “But on one condition.”

“Name it.”

“I need someone to clean my house. Leaving it like this isn’t good, and I don’t trust many people. I imagine Jordan vets everyone and can send someone here to tidy it.” If I was leaving, then this needed to be handled.

He nodded. “Irene will come. She takes care of his home.”

“Okay. Let me get my things.”

Saying no to Jordan wasn’t an option, but I also didn’t like being forced. If I walked outside on my own, I maintained some sense of choice. At least that was what I told myself as I packed.

With everything in the bag, I quickly changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I wasn’t about to put jeans on, given how I felt. Sweats were more presentable than pajamas. Downstairs, I gathered a few things for Tahoe like his bowl, his container of food, and his bed.

“If you tell me what kind of food, we’ll buy it,” Reghan said.

“Why does he want me there so badly?”