Page 26 of Jordan

Vail placed his hand over one of mine on the counter. “Jordan, it’s kind of you, but he’s not worth the energy. One day, he’ll be taken from this earth in a way he deserves. Karma’s a bitch. His turn is coming.”

I hummed. “Karma can be me. I can take him out swiftly.”

“Please don’t. He’s not worth it.”

His hand was still covering mine, so I turned mine over and took his into it. His beautiful eyes widened at the movement, but I held firm. “No one should ever harm you. If you feel you’re in danger, I want you to call me immediately. Not the police. I can get there faster and inflict much more pain.” I made a mental note to give him my number before he left.

“You sound like Dex.”

“He’s another man not to be fucked with.”

“Matters can be solved without violence.”

“They can, but from what I’m gathering, he hurt you. He should pay for that.”

He stepped closer, bringing his other hand up to encase mine between both of his. “Jordan,” he whispered, his eyes briefly dropping to my lips before lifting. “He’s in my past where I need him to stay. Please.”

I nodded, although I made no promises. I’d find out who this man was, memorize what he looked like, and if I saw him in the street, direct Albert to run him over with my fucking Maserati. That was, if I was in the car. If not, I had a gun with a bullet in it saved for him.



This was what I got for letting Jordan stay longer in my space. For offering him tea and telling him I was interested in him. I caught his damn cold. And now I had to deliver the first suit to his building feeling like shit.

I’d worked hard to get it finished, but then the illness settled in, and every action became that much more difficult to do. It was done now. The only thing left was to deliver it, then I could climb into bed in my bedroom that had somewhat adequate heat. At least I wouldn’t freeze. If only the windows weren’t so drafty and there was more insulation. Beggars couldn’t be choosers. Eventually, I’d get out of here and into a nicer place, like I had before. I just had to keep reminding myself it was all for a reason, so I didn’t have to let go of my grandfather’s home.

I carefully laid the suit in a garment bag and zipped it up, making sure it wasn’t being wrinkled. With how sick I was, a simple task like this felt more difficult than normal. My nose was congested, my throat hurt, and when I coughed, that pain intensified.

The car I’d ordered was here, so I gently lifted the suit and grabbed my keys. My phone and wallet were already in my pockets. The cold air bit into me when I stepped outside, my jacket doing little to keep me warm. It looked good on me though. It wasn’t enough to fight the wind currently blowing through the city. At least I only had to walk from the door to the car.

Once inside, I laid the suit over the seat beside me, careful to not let it touch the floor. I didn’t care that it was in a bag. This was for Jordan, and I’d be damned if anything happened to it before it got to him.

This morning, I’d sent a text asking if he’d be home so I could drop it off. He said he would be. I thought he’d offer to have one of his men come pick it up. Then again, everything with Jordan had been very hands-on, including my hand on him. Maybe, just maybe, he wanted to see me again.

I kept that thought in my mind as I rode through East Dremest and tried not to cough or sneeze while in the car with the complete stranger. I didn’t want to get her sick. She was out here trying to earn a living, just like I was. I didn’t know her situation. She could depend on driving others to cover her bills and feed her family. I pressed my lips together and pinched my nose, willing the sneeze I felt to stay at bay until we were a block down from Jordan’s. I wasn’t foolish enough to have the car drop me off in front of his building. Not only would his guards be on full alert, but it would probably scare the hell out of the woman driving.

The chilly January air was back to pushing through my coat as I walked the block to the front of Jordan’s building. A guard in a car by the curb stepped out and looked me over from head to toe. He was the size of a mountain, but I didn’t cower. I held my chin up and told him I was here to see Jordan and that he was expecting me.

The guard pulled out his phone while I stood shivering on the sidewalk, wondering if I just exasperated my cold by leaving the house. There was nothing to be done about it now. I was already here.

I was instructed to go into the building. It was tall and imposing, but not too much. None of the buildings here loomed over me. This one though, it was like it had a presence. Like it knew who it housed inside and did its best to deter people.

A different guard met me at the door to give me a quick pat down. He explained this was for Mr. Altair’s safety, which I understood. This was also the most a man had touched me in a while. If I wasn’t sick, I probably would have popped wood when his hand went over my crotch.

I’d never been in a place like this, where every corner of the interior was protected by men with guns. They didn’t even try to hide them. They held them close like me, a man with a garment bag, was going to suddenly pull a gun from it and go after Jordan. When the bag was searched, I told the guard to not wrinkle the fabric. The look he gave me would have had a lesser man shrinking into himself.

I knew Jordan didn’t do what he did with me the other day with just anyone. It felt like I was getting a piece of him very few did. So, this guy moving the suit around could kiss my ass. I wrenched it away from him, then smoothed down the material. Fucker.

The elevator ride to the top floor was with another guard. They blended. Tall, stacked with muscles, broad chests, and thick thighs. If I wasn’t currently hooked on a certain mafia boss, I might give them more than a cursory glance.

When the doors opened, I didn’t expect to find a home that looked like an upscale art display rather than a warm, inviting space. Although, Jordan didn’t scream inviting when I saw him. Why would his home?

The floors were gleaming without a scuff or mark on them. The paintings and sculptures were each displayed with precision, so whoever entered knew they weren’t walking into just anybody’s house. Then there were the vases that drew my eyes to them. They were beautiful, with muted shades to go with the rest of the decor. It was stunning.

As my eyes kept sweeping the area, they eventually landed on Jordan, who stood waiting for me. I completely missed him there before, which was surprising. My gaze usually found him and latched on.

“Hartley, thank you for bringing the suit.”