“Dexen didn’t ask me to do anything. I overheard him talking to JJ. He mentioned you weren’t feeling well, so last night when I was finished at the club, I went to the store and bought the ingredients needed to make soup this morning. It’s been cooking for hours and was finally ready. I thought I’d bring it over.” Dexen didn’t send him. Vail was working and heard him talking. He wanted to make it for me because he was sweet. Fucking hell.
“That was very nice of you. I apologize for assuming Dexen had sent you.”
“Don’t. It’s the logical conclusion. I wasn’t certain if you’d want to see me. We’d only met once, and it wasn’t the best night.”
“The food you made was amazing. I have no doubt the soup will be as well. As far as our meeting, the only thing that matters is that we did meet. You heard a lot that night, more than most will ever know about me.”
“I’d never tell a soul.”
“I know. I’m saying I rarely pour my heart out. My son… It was time.”
“You don’t see yourself as a good dad, but you are. What you did for him, letting him believe you were the villain, that took a lot of courage and self-sacrifice.”
“I’m not a good man.”
“Maybe not always, but you are sometimes.”
A smile twitched my lips.
Latte took the opportunity to put her nose to the cooler to attempt to get inside, pushing it across the floor toward us.
Vail chuckled and lifted it from the floor to take it into the kitchen. “I wanted to keep it stable in my truck. Most of it is cold since I’d packed it and stored it in the fridge prior to coming, but I kept one serving hot in case you wanted to eat it when I got here.”
“That was thoughtful of you.” If he didn’t leave soon, I was going to get used to someone other than Irene caring for me. My parents were both deceased, not that either of them was ever overly loving with my brother and me. They saw me start to build my empire, but they weren’t around long after. Neither were quiet about their disapproval of what I did. Lucky for me, I didn’t care about their approval.
Vail grinned as he lifted the containers out of the cooler. “I’m going to put these in the fridge, if that’s okay.”
“It’s fine.”
I felt the sneeze coming, so I grabbed a tissue from the box on the counter to sneeze away from him.
“Bless you,” he said.
“That’s unnecessary but thank you.”
“It’s what you say when someone sneezes. I’m not sure why.”
“I don’t know either.” I threw the tissue away and washed my hands at the sink. “You don’t have to stay. I wouldn’t want you getting sick. It’s spreading like the fucking plague around here. How Reghan and his brother haven’t caught it is beyond me.”
“Vitamins, low-sugar diet, lots of greens, and good water intake,” Vail said. “Oh, and the flu vaccine if you don’t already get it.”
I cocked an eyebrow. “Any other words of wisdom you’d like to share?”
His lips pressed closed for a few seconds as he glanced to where Reghan stood, and chuckled. “I couldn’t do it.”
“Do what?”
“Call you sir and shut up if you looked at me a certain way.”
“I assure you, if I looked at you like I do at him, you’d know the reason behind it and would act accordingly.”
“Maybe, but I’ve been down the road of a controlling ex and never want to visit it again.”
I planted my hands on the counter and leaned toward him as sudden anger coursed through me. I didn’t do a background check on Vail before, because Dexen had. Now I knew my mistake, one I would rectify. “Tell me, is this ex still alive and if so, where can I find him?” No one should harm a man as sweet as Vail.
He shook his head. “I don’t want you anywhere near him. Besides, he has friends in high places.”
“Mine are higher.” I gave him a smile that showed I was serious. It wasn’t friendly in the least.