Page 20 of Jordan

I moved farther inside, holding the door for Jordan, who entered and closed it behind him.

“I always make sure my back is covered,” he said.

“I would too if I were…” What was I going to say? If I was walking around with a target on my back. I wasn’t a stupid man. People who did what Jordan did weren’t loved by everyone. How many times had fights made the news in other cities between warring rival gangs? Jordan would be no different.

“If you were?” He cocked a silver eyebrow.

“You. If I were you.” There was no doubt Jordan saw through my fake smile and lie. He didn’t call me on it. “If you’ll follow me. I have something for you to try on.”

In the other room, Jordan walked to the suit I had on the mannequin and ran his fingers along the fabric. There was a surety in his movement, like he could tell the quality of the material and my craftsmanship with a simple touch. Hell, maybe he could.

“This is very nice.”

“Thank you.” I took a lot of pride in my work. Jordan appreciating it made me happy.

Jordan put the suit on behind a screen to give him privacy, and I made the adjustments with my pins, hoping I got every spot just right. When I was done, I took a step back to take him in. Oh, he was going to look beautiful once this was done, and I didn’t just say that because I’d created it. The suit flattered him.

He stood in front of a tall mirror, turning to one side, then the other. “You did very well, Hartley.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I respect a man who’s good with his hands. I’m looking forward to being able to wear this.” With practiced care, he took off the suit and handed it to me.

Our appointment was done, but I didn’t want him to leave yet. It was nice to have another person here, even if he brought big bodyguards with him. Would I feel this way if it were another client? I wasn’t certain. Either way, there was nothing left for me to keep him here with. I’d done what I needed to. The rest I could handle on my own.

Jordan sneezed, bringing his arm up to his mouth to cover it. Then he sneezed again. And again.

“Are you all right?” I asked. “Here, let me get you a tissue.” I rushed into the other room to retrieve the box of tissues and handed it to him.

He took out a tissue to wipe his nose, then asked where the bathroom was. I showed him the way and left him there. It was in the main hallway off the entrance. A half bath down here and two full baths upstairs. On the top floor was another half bath. It wasn’t the nicest, but it was affordable. I did my best to spruce up down here the best I could. The other floors left something to be desired. Right now, no one went up there but me, and apparently Jordan’s men.

Jordan emerged a couple of minutes later. “I apologize. I think I caught the cold that’s been going around.”

“It’s that time of year. Colds are expected in winter. We’re inside so much more instead of being out and enjoying the sunshine.”

“I’ll enjoy it from the warmth of a fireplace until we reach spring or summer.”

I chuckled. “You never know what you’re going to get here. Spring one moment, back to winter another.” It was one of the joys of living in eastern Pennsylvania. Mood swing weather. At least now it was cold all the time, more predictable. When the seasons started to change, I could get whiplash from it.

He turned to cough away from me.

“Would you like some tea?” I asked.


“It always helps me when I’m not feeling well. Or I have soup. Not the homemade kind, but it will be hot and make you feel better.” Why did I think Jordan would want to stay so I could attempt to nurse him back to health? He probably had a long list of things to do, not spend the day with me trying to spoon-feed him broth.

The guard stationed inside walked toward us. “Sir, Vivian wanted to remind you about your next appointment.”

Jordan’s teeth clenched. “I don’t need a reminder. I should have never let Irene talk me into this.” He turned to me. “The woman who takes care of my home and cooks my meals asked if I needed help in any part of my organization. I don’t, at least not for what she was asking about. It seems her daughter is in the middle of a divorce and trying to get on her feet after staying home for years. She wanted to work again but didn’t know where to start. Irene asked and now I have an assistant, as much as it pains me.”

“You don’t want help with your schedule?”

“I’ve been doing just fine without a person managing my daily life. I like control. Now I have someone trying to tell me where to go when and on me to keep to a schedule. The people I meet with will wait for me. They will wait day and fucking night if I ask them to. I don’t give a shit if I’m late to where I’m supposed to be next.” I was getting a brief glimpse of another side of Jordan, the one I didn’t want to be on. My imagination could take me further into what it would be like to cross him. No, that was nothing I ever wanted to do.

“You’re doing a good thing by helping her out. Is there somewhere else you could put her?”

“No, nowhere I’d want, anyway. I’d met Vivian before, but never thought of employing her. Now I have to keep her on long enough or fire her with a hefty check, which sounds better than putting up with this incessant nagging.” He coughed.