“My father has to listen to me eventually,” I say.

He shakes his head. “It’s not your responsibility, Elena. I don’t know why you keep getting involved. Your father knows what he’s doing. He’s been doing it his entire life.”

“I grew up in this family and want to take my rightful place in helping the family business.” I finish my fries and wipe my fingers and mouth on a napkin.

Darius shakes his head. “You always were hot-headed and stubborn.”

“It’s a good trait to have as a Sokolov.” I grin and look around. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with the others at the meeting?”

“I was overseeing the purchase of some businesses for the family.”

“What businesses?” I ask curiously.

Darius points a finger at me. “No, I’m not feeding you information so you can make grand plans.”

“Come on, Darius. What’s the harm in telling me what businesses the family is going to own?” I bat my eyelids. “I’m your favorite cousin, am I not?”

“You are.” He rubs his chin and then shrugs. “I guess there’s no harm. We’re purchasing butchers in the area.”

“Why butchers?” I ask quietly.

“I don’t know, but I have to go. Uncle Emery is expecting me back at the house in half an hour. Don’t get into trouble, and enjoy shopping.” He gets up and kisses the top of my head.

I get up and go to another boutique, but I can’t get my mind to slow down.

Why would my father buy butchers? What would that serve the family? I can’t think of one good reason. They’re certainly not good at laundering money. I wonder what he’s planning.

I absently buy two more outfits before I decide to dig a little more. I head to the internet cafe in the center of the mall and pay to use one of their computers because I know better than to have this on my own search history. I log into the computer and bring up the address reverse search. I open a separate tab and search for butchers in the area.

I found five that have been sold pending the new owner’s information, and I know that can’t be a coincidence. I check which one is closest, and I search its history. It is a family-owned business that has been running since the sixties. There’s nothing remarkable about it.

I need to see it for myself. I need to understand why my father would be interested in such a building. I need to familiarize myself with it so that the next time I speak to my father, I can give suggestions. He needs to see that I know what I’m talking about and keep up-to-date with the family business dealings.

I log out and gather my purchases before swiftly exiting the internet cafe. I don’t notice anyone near me as I walk, so I hurry out of the mall and toward my car.

The guy with the Porsche isn’t there, and it doesn’t look like he did anything to my car.

I put my stuff in the trunk. As I’m about to open the door to climb in, someone grabs me from behind and throws me against the door. “You want to fuck with me bitch?”

“I wouldn’t do that,” I say calmly. Slowly, I reach into my pocket.

“Oh, and why’s that?” the guy says.

“Cause not only am I going to hurt you, I’m going to slash your tires as well.” I turn around and spray him in the face with mace.

He yells, and I summon a security guard by shouting for them.

The one detains the guy, throwing him on the floor and sitting on him. I look at the other. “Slash three of his tires. I don’t care which ones. And key the fuckers paint job.”

“Ah. You can’t do this.”

I walk over to him and kneel on his chest so he struggles to breathe. “Learn quickly. I am Elena Sokolov. If you get anyone involved, any cops, I will hunt you down and kill your family. Do you understand? Be thankful I’m only damaging your car.” I lean firmly on his chest. “Do you understand?”

“Yes,” he gasps out. “I understand.”

I get up and nod to the security guard. “Take this asshole to wash his eyes out so he can call his insurance and report this unfortunate anonymous attack on his vehicle.”

The security guard forces the guy to his feet while I get inside my car. I start it up and drive out of the parking lot without a backward glance.