She falls silent. She certainly wasn’t expecting that from me.
We travel for another half an hour before I turn left and drive through the trees. There isn’t a road here. You need to know where you’re going to make it through this section. I prefer it that way. It's easier to hide from prying eyes. The trees are tall in this area, and the canopy keeps the forest cool.
“Where are you taking me?” she asks.
“If I wanted you to know where we’re going, I wouldn’t have bothered with the blindfold, Elena,” I say.
I pull up to a cabin in the woods. I built it myself. It took me almost two years to get it right, and I only worked on it in my spare time. It’s safe and secure, warm but sparse in luxuries. It gets colder up here, so I’ll have to make a fire to warm up the place. There are provisions here, such as tinned food and bottled water. We should be good for a couple of days.
At least until I can figure out the mess that I’ve created.
I get out and get the back door open. She instantly starts to kick at me. I grab her ankles, and she squeals as I drag her out, and she lands on the floor hard.
“You don’t have to hurt me,” she growls.
“Well, if you weren’t kicking me, maybe we could have gotten out nicely.”
I grab her bound wrists and force her to stand. I shut the door and led her toward the cabin. I open it. It’s chilly in here, as expected. The electricity is solar, and the batteries should be charged.
I flip a switch, and as promised, the lights light up the room.
I walk Elena over to the kitchen and cable-tie her to a hook in the wall. She has to sit for me to do it, but I finally take her blindfold off.
“There you go,” I say as she blinks and looks around.
“Where are we? I demand you return me to my family at once,” she growls the words at me.
“I think not. I think I’m going to have a little fun,” I taunt her again.
She falls silent, and I leave to gather chopped wood from the pile outside. I bring it in and chuckle. “I can see you’re trying to escape, but it’s not going to work.”
She grunts a little as she tugs at her bindings, but I can see they’re simply cutting into her skin.
She falls silent again, and I carefully stack the wood in the fireplace and get some kindling. I put it under the wood and strike a match, setting it on fire.
I stay there, poking and prodding until the fire catches the wood, and then I sit back as it slowly develops into a blazing fire.
“That should warm us up. Water?” I ask, looking at her.
She refuses to look at me, so I get a bottle and sit at the kitchen island to sip it while watching her.
“Are you ignoring me now? Hoping your silent protest will persuade me to let you go? I have news for you, Elena. I know how to make people talk.” I get up and kneel in front of her.
She looks at me disdainfully. “You don’t scare me.”
“You don’t scare me. We’re on even ground.” I chuckle. “Except you’re the one tied up, and I’m the one holding you captive.”
She spits at me, and I take the handkerchief out and wipe my face. “That’s not nice, Elena.” I grab her face in my hand and squeeze. “I don’t like being disrespected.”
She whimpers slightly, and I let go. I don’t beat women. It’s a rule.
I get up and go to the pantry. I take out some food to cook. I make it without looking at her or acknowledging her presence. She doesn’t say anything. She grunts now and then, I assume from discomfort, but other than that, she doesn’t make a noise.
I kneel beside her and cut her free from the wall but leave her hands bound. “You can go to the bathroom before we eat.”
I lead her to the door and push her inside. “The door doesn’t lock from the inside, and that window is sealed shut, so I would just make it easy for both of us. Take a leak and come out again.”
“Can you untie me?” she asks.