No, I cannot let my thoughts go that way. I sit tight as he showers, and with every tug of the chain, I wonder if he’s pleasuring himself, taking care of his little problem. Let’s be honest, it’s not fucking little problem.

I take a steadying breath, trying to control myself. I know a lot about Arseny. His ruthlessness is well known in Las Vegas. He’s the one who extracts the information for the Milovs. The one who deals with traitors and transgressors alike. His skill with a blade is apparently unmatched. I’ve heard a lot about him, but at the same time, I know absolutely nothing about him. He’s hardly given me any information since we’ve met. What I know is just hearsay. He said, she said, they said, and all that. Nothing concrete. I realize, though, that I am in danger if this is the Milov I’m stuck with.

I run my fingers through my hair to work out any knots.

“You can’t escape,” he says, with tired resignation.

“I’m just running my fingers through my hair,” I say sharply.

He goes back to showering and leaves me to undo the knots in my hair.

I wonder if his Pakhan arranged for him to be at that butcher’s, arranged for him to take me. Arseny keeps making out as though my father is the problem, but what if that’s just a front for what he actually wants?

This could have been arranged from the beginning.

No. No, how could they have known where I’d be? Unless they were following me the entire day and slipped in through the back. Still, why pretend to be a butcher's son for so long?

The water shuts off, and his hand grabs a towel. He doesn’t dry off. He simply climbs out of the shower, his body glistening, and with the towel wrapped around his waist. He has so many muscles he must work out every day.

“Let’s find something to wear,” he says. I get up and follow him to the bedroom, where he opens the closet. The clothes are vacuum-sealed to protect them from bugs. He takes out one set and hands it to me. “It’s about my sister-in-law’s size, something I stored in case I ever have to bring them here. There’s fresh underwear, tracksuit pants, and a T-shirt in there.

“Keep your back turned,” I warn him as I turn to the bed.

He moves to shut the door and then takes the cuff off my hand. “I’m counting to twenty.”


“One… Two… Three…”

I quickly get dressed, and when I’m done, I sit on the bed. He turns around at twenty and comes over to cuff me again.

I need to keep my strength for during the day so that I can escape when it’s daylight and see where I’m going.

He dries himself off and pulls on a pair of boxers before he motions to the bed. “Get in.”

“What if I need the bathroom?” I ask quietly.

“You’ll obviously wake me up, won’t you?” he asks.

I nod quietly and climb into the bed, but when he climbs in, I take all the extra pillows on the bed and build a barrier between us.

“Aw, are you worried I’m going to hold you in your sleep, princess?” he teases me.

He likes to tease me, and I wouldn’t mind having someone that strong and built to hold me in my sleep. I would feel like the safest girlfriend ever. But not him. I don’t want him touching me. I would feel dirty if a Milov put his hands on me.

“Just keep your hands to yourself,” I demand. “I mean it. If you bring anything near me, I’ll break it.”

He chuckles as he settles down. “Fine. Fine. I won’t hold you if you get scared of the forest noises.”

He pulls the duvet over us, and I hug it, keeping my back to him.

“You can ask me.” His voice is quiet as he turns off the lamp.

In the dark, I’m a lot more scared. I realize what kind of vulnerable position I’ve been put in.

“Ask you what?” I ask curiously.

“Whatever you want to know,” he says quietly. “Now that you know who I am, I have no issue answering most of your questions.”