Page 37 of The Perfect Putt

“Of course you do, Mr. Rich Golfer Man.”

He laughs. “Did you hit your head too? That insult was rough.”

“Hey!” I poke his thigh with my good foot. “Don’t make fun of me, I’m hurt.”

He squeezes my foot. “I’m sorry, you can keep poorly insulting me. I won’t say anything next time.”

All of this touching is making my head spin. I know that he’s only touching me because he was worried about me being hurt. And while his concern feels good, there’s a looming feeling that he’s going to pull back again. Except this time it’ll be worse, because these feelings aren’t platonic.

Miles starts to run his hand up my shin then down over the top of my foot. Even through the blanket, his warm touch is disconcerting. I recall what Naomi said about some things being a lesson. Am I okay with Miles being a lesson if this doesn’t work out? It’s not like I’m in love with him, though I could see myself falling for him.

I shut my eyes and let myself sink further into the couch. Maybe I need to just take things a day at a time. And today, well today I can enjoy being taken care of by a man with gorgeous green eyes and a smirk that makes my stomach flip.

Chapter twenty

Miles Day

I place ice packs, a couple bottles of strawberry lemonade, a slice of key lime pie I got earlier today, and a can of whipped cream in a small cooler for Ellie. Sutton is wrapping her ankle, and then I’m going to take her back to her house. I’d rather keep her here to make sure she doesn’t have to do anything herself, but I don’t think our relationship is at the sleepover level. Though as many times as I’ve touched her tonight, it might be close.

Taking care of Ellie was like an instinct. When I saw her start to fall on the beach I didn’t think twice before pulling her into my arms. And after that, I didn’t stop until I knew she was comfortable. It’s probably not normal boss behavior to bridal carry your assistant and give her the equivalent of a sponge bath to get the sand off her legs. Her soft, beautiful legs. I’m going to need an ice pack for myself if I keep thinking about that moment.

“You good in here?” Shaw asks as he walks up to where I’m packing the cooler.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because you’re acting like she’s dying when she just sprained her ankle.” He leans against the counter and crosses his arms. “If you two were dating, I’d chalk it up to love, but…”

“She’s my friend. I’d do the same for you.” I shut the cooler.

“You’d carry me up a flight of stairs then tend to my every need?” he questions, sounding amused.

“Shaw, I’m a little busy right now. You’ll have to jump to conclusions later.”

He smiles and shakes his head. “Denial isn’t your best look. One or both of you is going to get hurt if you keep this up.”

I glare at him as I pull the cooler off the counter. “I’m not in denial. No one is going to get hurt because there’s nothing to be hurt over.”

“Is that so? Because not long ago you were claiming she was just your assistant, and now you’re saying she’s just a friend. If the pattern continues, you’ll be saying she’s just your girlfriend in about two weeks.”

“There’s no pattern,” I grit out. “Now drop it before Ellie hears you.”

“Fine, I’ll stop talking so you can go. Looks like Sutton just finished up.”

I look over to see Sutton leaning down to hug Ellie. They seem to have gotten closer over the course of tonight. It wasn’t long after I got Ellie set up on the couch that everyone came back inside. Sutton brought Ellie a s’more so she wouldn’t miss out, then sat down on the floor and started showing her all of her wedding Pinterest boards.

Jada and Fitz left since apparently Jada hadn’t slept much the night before on account of inspiration for a new collection of paintings hitting at midnight. So that left just Ellie, me, Sutton, and Shaw. While Sutton and Ellie looked at wedding inspiration, Shaw and I watched one of Emmett’s games. It was…nice. Every time I looked at Ellie she seemed happy. Sometimes I caught a rare flash of her smile, or heard her laugh.

When she and Sutton had finished scrolling, they watched the last inning of the game with us. I found out that Ellie’s dad is a huge Nashville Cowboys fan, and I made a mental note to see if I could get Emmett to sign a baseball so she could give it to her dad. As much as he’s a grump, I think Emmett would get it for me if I asked.

I walk over to the couch where Ellie is lounging in my sweatshirt. I bought it when I won my first Masters Tournament. Maybe I should have given her something less sentimental, but I wasn’t thinking when I went into my closet. I knew this one would keep her warm, and maybe a small part of me thought she’d look good in this shade of green. She does.

“I’m going to put this in the car and then come back to get you,” I tell her and she looks up at me with a sleepy smile. My heart skips a beat at the sight.

“Okay, sounds good.”

I quickly take the cooler out to my Bronco, not wanting to leave her alone with my friends for long. Who knows what they’ll try to say while I’m gone.

When I come back inside, Shaw is giving her a hug. My jaw clenches at the sight. Jealousy is irrational for a whole host of reasons, but it still flares up nonetheless.