“Very well my dear.”

The pregnant woman visibly became more relaxed.

The older woman turned the lights off in the shop, carrying a ball of crystal with her. She sat back down and held the ball in the center of her both palms, cradling the stone and holding a gaze with it for several minutes.

An elaborate image started to appear in the ball, a small child with shadows surrounding her as flames cascaded brightly around her. The small embers danced through her fingertips. Yet the child was not afraid. The small delicate hand had reached out towards the fire that surrounded it.

“I’m afraid your child is damned.” The woman whispered.

“What do you mean?” The pregnant woman’s voice was filled with panic and fear as she spoke.

“If your child is born, they are destined to spend eternity in Hell.” The older woman explained. Her brow furrows deep in concentration as if trying to see something else.

“There seems to be something….”

The pregnant woman clutched the rosary around her neck, fear and anger raging in her eyes as she looked closer into the orb. Her mouth moved as if she was speaking silently with herself.

“She is damned but she will not suffer.”

Slowly the once small shadow figure grew and began to clear revealing not one, but two figures. A tall, heavily tattooed muscular male and a small petite female with large green and orange eyes. Standing hand in hand and as they shared a kiss a dark glittering crown appeared atop their heads. Panic and worry took over the pregnant woman’s gaze as she clutched the rosary even tighter and closed her eyes for a split second. The woman stood and rushed out of the door leaving The older woman so focused she didn’t seem to notice that the pregnant woman was gone as she continued to gaze into the ball.

* * *

“Just stay with me and maybe we can come up with a way to fix her!” The woman shouted,

“You’re delusional! You are married to another man!” A tall man screamed at the heavily pregnant woman.

“I can leave him, just as long as you’ll be with me.”

“I don’t want to be with you! You lied to me, manipulated me and your damn husband! I want nothing to do with you.” He sneered at the woman,

“Very well, then you will never see her again!” The woman yelled, placing a hand on her stomach.

“She is my daughter too! You can’t just take her away from me!” His green eyes filled with shock and worry as he looked from the pregnant woman’s stomach up to her face.

“She is nothing to you! And soon she will no longer be a problem!” She hissed back at the man,

“If you intend to harm my daughter, I will destroy you and everything you hold dear.” The pregnant woman smirked at the tall man standing before her,

“She’s going to take after you and I will not allow that to happen. I will not allow more evil to taint the world and if you will not stay with me to fix her, to help stop the evil that will arise when she is born then I will do it myself.” She stepped closer, not a single inch between the two of them,

“You’re fucking delusional!” The man yelled,

“Delusional? You think I’m delusional?” The woman laughed as she placed a hand on the man’s chest,

“I’ll show you just how delusional I can be,” she whispered as a scream howled through the vision, the man glanced down to see a dagger embedded into his stomach. The woman slowly pulled out the bloody dagger, wiping it clean as she began to walk away.

“You’ll come back to me, you always do, and we’ll be here waiting for you and together we will sort out this mess as a family.”

The man slumped to the ground, pressing against the wound in his stomach as he screamed out a name. The woman continued to ignore him, a savage smile plaguing her face as she walked away.

* * *

The vision shifted to a hospital where the woman was pushing and pushing and eventually a baby’s cry rang out.

“Why isn’t she making any noise? ” A new male’s voice rang out as a crowd of doctors began to tend to the newborn.

“We aren’t sure but we will do whatever is possible to make sure that your daughter is alright.”