Clotho looked at her sisters for a moment, I knew what we were asking them was a huge risk. Revealing the person’s past could very well change that person’s future as well as others.

“We wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t for something important.”

“There is only so much we would be able to show you,”

Gabriel and I nodded.

“We understand.”

We would take anything they could give us, so long as it showed us what we needed to know. I knew doing this was a risk, that there was a chance they would say no or we wouldn’t be able to get the information we needed. But it was worth a shot.

“Very well, do you have an object belonging to this person?”

Gabriel pulled out Catalina’s music box and handed it to Clotho.

“The name?”

“Catalina Alvarez,” Gabriel answered.

Shit, I didn’t even know her last name but Alvarez? I knew she had Hispanic descent in her history!

Placing the music box down, Clotho reached over and took her sister’s hands, forming a circle. A soft glow of light begins to form in between the circle they’ve made, hovering between them. I glanced at the sisters and saw that each of their eyes had turned milky white. The light inside the circle was slowly getting bigger and bigger. Everything around us seemed to fade away into the distance as Gabriel and I stared at the light, watching as a heavily pregnant female who looked like a darker and shorter version of Catalina appeared.

That has to be her mother.

My gaze followed back to the vision in front of us and Gabriel and I held our breath as we watched the story that played out in front of us.

* * *


Chapter 14

The heavily pregnant female had walked into the psychic shop.

“Excuse me but I need a reading.” Panic and worry had filled the women’s voice.

The lady who had owned the shop glanced at her and then at her swollen belly

“Come sit my dear,”

The heavily pregnant female sat in a chair, at a fairly small circular table, across from the older woman.

“Tell me what brings you in?” The older woman had asked.

“I have had a very bad feeling throughout this pregnancy. My doctors say I’m healthy but I feel like there is something wrong.”

“When are you due my dear?”

“July 31st.”

“So you are due in a few days then.” The older woman gently grabbed the pregnant woman’s hand.

“It’s probably just nerves. Becoming a mother is a very scary event.” The pregnant woman shook her head

“No, it’s not nerves. I have another child, it’s just.. This one is different.”

The older woman smiled as she spoke.