I thought about it last night. How familiar it felt. How when I reached out to grab her hand, it didn’t burn me, and what she said last night, That it calls to her. That she could hear a million voices calling out to her…
“What is it?” Gabriel asked as he turned and leaned against the banister.
“I don’t think her gift is from Hecate.”
Gabriel turned to look at me,
“I think her fire is from the pit itself.”
I glanced back at Catalina.
Why does that bring me joy?
Knowing that some part of her was connected to me. In a way it… it made me…
“You think her fire is from the pit? That would make her fire-”
“Pure Hellfire.” I finished for him as the corner of my lips began to tilt up.
I should’ve known the second my hand touched hers and her fire didn’t burn me but I was so caught up in her that I had assumed she put it out before I touched her hand. Hellfire could never harm me, I ruled over it, and for a while in the beginning, I commanded it.
Perhaps that was why her hand felt so warm.
Gabriel looked back at Catalina and I could sense the worry radiating off of him yet I couldn’t stop myself from smiling.
“How do you even know it’s Hellfire?”
Without taking my eyes off Catalina I answered him,
“Last night we got into some trouble and she conjured up a little bit of it, I reached out to touch it and it didn’t burn me.”
It was a twist of what happened but Gabriel didn’t need to know all the details but that has to be why I felt so drawn to her. Because she carries an essence of home.
“What kind of trouble?”
“That guy she went on a date with showed up, she took care of it and I made sure she got home safe.”
I still wanted to kill the bastard and if he made the mistake of running into Catalina again, I would.
Gabriel nodded as he un-clenched his fists,
“How can she possibly wield Hellfire? She’s mortal.”
“I don’t know but believe me brother I am going to find out.”
It shouldn’t be possible. Technically speaking I was the only one who could wield Hellfire. Well me and one other person and as far as I knew, she didn’t even know Catalina existed. So how the actual hell did this happen?
“We should tell her so she knows-”
I could already feel the argument approaching so I continued,
“She is just starting to get comfortable with it, the last thing we should do is backtrack and make her afraid of it again.”
Because she would be. The minute we told her what her fire was, there was no doubt in my mind she wouldn’t take it well. She believed she was a monster and telling her she had Hellfire, I was afraid she would start to believe that lie.