“You did, you opened the door and walked out here.”

How could she not remember what happened just a few seconds ago? I would’ve thought she was playing some kind of trick on me, some kind of prank but the look in her eyes…

“Do you sleepwalk?”

Catalina shook her head,


Well, you do now.

Slowly I put my arm around her shoulder as I began to guide her back inside,

“Come on let’s get you inside, it’s freezing out here.”

She nodded her head as she slowly let me lead her inside. Catalina made her way to the kitchen as I closed the balcony doors, taking a little extra time to make sure they were shut and locked properly before making my way over to the kitchen where Catalina now sat at the Island.

“What are you doing up anyway?” She asked as she lifted her head and gazed at me. I took the seat beside her as I spoke,

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“How come?”

Because I was thinking about you.

I shrugged my shoulders as I leaned into the chair,

“I just have a lot on my mind right now.”

“Something important?”

I looked down at her. Her tired green eyes sparkled as the reflection of the light from the small candle danced around in her irises. The dark orange light highlighting the springtime greenness of her eyes and casting a glow on her warm olive skin. She reached up and began to twirl that damn piece of hair again. Even in candlelight, she looked beautiful.

“Very,” I whispered back.

Her lips tilted up in a slight smile before she broke her gaze from mine and stared at her hand. For a moment we were silent. I could tell she was thinking. She always twirled that damn piece of hair when she was either stressed, thinking, or utterly lost in thought.

“I had a bad dream.” Her voice was soft as she spoke. Her gaze once again found mine.

“A nightmare?”

Catalina nodded her head as she released the piece of hair that she had been twirling and rested her cheek on her hand. Her eyes were still on mine.

“What was it about?”

Catalina tensed as she lifted her head off her hand,

“It’s hard to explain but I’m in this weird dark place, sometimes I can see things and sometimes I can’t but there’s always screaming. So much screaming, sometimes it gets so loud that I have to cover my ears to block it out but it never works. There’s also this person there all the time,”

“Who is it?”

Catalina shrugged as she brought up her leg, pulling it close to her chest, and rested her head on her knee,

“I don’t know, they’re always cloaked in shadows and I can never make out who it is, but they always offer me their hand,”

“Why don’t you accept their hand?”

“I have a feeling that if I do something bad will happen in the dream.”