Catalina was healing. She had finally accepted the fact that she needed help and the training seemed to be helping her keep her temper in check. Everything was going according to plan. Soon everything would be wrapped up and I would be able to leave and Gabriel and Catalina would resume their lives. She would go on to live her life, go on dates, eventually meet someone, and live happily ever after…

Fuck it.

I grabbed Gabriel’s phone off the Island, grabbed the keys to his car, and pulled up Catalina’s location.

* * *

Her date had taken her to a seafood place downtown. The place was nice but I didn’t give a damn. My entire focus was on Catalina. She looked stunning in that outfit. She had outshined every single person in this place. It was hard not to look at her, she was..intoxicating.

Stop it! You’re here to make sure she’s safe and that’s it!

“Sir, do you have a reservation?”


I looked back at the small boy in front of me. He couldn’t have been older than sixteen.

“No, No I don’t have a damn reservation.” I looked back and watched as her date set down the money on the table, grabbed Catalina’s hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed her hand.


I started to make my way over to them, but just as I was about to cross that threshold into the dining room, Catalina and her date stood up and began walking towards me.


If she saw me she’d be pissed and would probably try to kick my ass in front of everyone. I rushed back out the door and waited across the street.

Just make sure she gets home safely and it’ll be fine.

Catalina and her date emerged a few short seconds later. The bastard no longer clutched her hand but was resting his hand on her lower back. I watched as he led her down the block. She was laughing and smiling at him. He didn’t deserve to see her smile or hear her laugh. They slowed down as they began to approach his car, Her back pressed up against the passenger side as they talked. I couldn’t hear what they were saying and I didn’t give a damn. The sooner she got in that car the sooner she would be home.

And away from him.

Catalina pressed her hand against his chest as he slowly leaned in and kissed her. His hands trailed down her body and cupped her ass, pressing her close to him. I hated it. I hated every minute of it.

She shouldn’t be kissing him! And he shouldn’t be touching her!

I could feel my fists clenching at my sides. I wanted nothing more than to tear him from her. To take her far away from him and wipe his kiss off of her.


I couldn’t take it anymore. The man broke the kiss and took a single step in front of her,

“Who the fuck are-”

“Let’s go Catalina.” I didn’t give a shit what he had to say.

“Hey, man she’s not going anywhere with-”

“I suggest you mind your damn business and learn to speak when you are spoken to, boy!”

The man took another step closer,

“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking-”

He finally shut his mouth once he finally took in who was before him. I didn’t need to see my reflection to know that my eyes had gone dark.

“Now Catalina.” I extended my hand out to her. She glanced down between my hand and back up to the man’s face,