“And if you don’t, the things I will do to you,”
Lucifer chuckled as he grabbed a fistful of the officer’s hair,
“Not even God himself could save you from me, do I make myself clear?”
The officer nodded his head as Lucifer stood straight up and turned to me,
“Is there anything else you wish to tell him?”
I shook my head,
“Good then let’s get out of here and let the man get to work.” Lucifer took my hand in his as we walked out of the room and back down the hallway. His fingers tightened against mine as we rushed past everyone. We didn’t speak until we got back into the car.
“You should have let me kill him,” Lucifer said as he slammed the passenger door shut.
I should have.
“I should do a lot of things but yet I don’t,” I said as I put the car in drive and began pulling away from the police station. Despite Lucifer’s rather colorful threat, I knew that the report would go to the bottom of a long, long pile and would most likely never see the light of day.
“And this is your justice system? This is who is supposed to serve and protect? To keep people safe?”
“Unfortunately,” I said as we pulled up to a red light. Lucifer went quiet for a moment, staring out of the passenger window. Who knew what was even going through his head right now?
“Is it always like that?” He asked as he shifted his gaze to mine,
“Unfortunately,” Lucifer opened his mouth to say something but I continued.
“This is, unfortunately, the way of the world, everything is placed on women, You get assaulted? they ask what were you wearing, You don’t want kids? you get judged by others and go on to suffer the side effects of birth control, You get pregnant and don’t want it? You get judged and told you should have kept your legs closed, If a man gets distracted by my body we’re told to cover ourselves up for them-”
“That’s fucking ridiculous.”
“I agree,” I said as we turned onto the road. Lucifer went quiet again as I drove. I tried putting what happened in Dr. Wilson’s office out of my head. Seeing Lucifer choke the living hell out of the man was the highlight of my week but I was dealing with it. I didn’t need him defending me. I could defend and take care of myself. Getting Lucifer involved with my problems was a recipe for disaster.
“We should probably talk about what happened back there at Dr. Wilson-”
“Don’t even fucking say his name.”
I gripped my steering wheel tighter as I spoke,
“You had no right to do that-”
“I can do whatever the hell I want!”
“Not when it comes to my life!”
Lucifer’s gaze shot to mine as I sped down the road.
Home. Home was just a few short miles away.
“Would you have even said anything?” he asked as his cold hard eyes met mine.
No. I wouldn’t have. I would have just continued with life and tried like hell to forget everything that happened.
“No, no I wouldn’t have-”
“Are you fucking serious? He hurt you! He could’ve hurt others!”