“His name is Doctor Wilson. His office is 32 West Mount Street. What are you going to-”

Lucifer’s eyes softened,

“You should get inside and get cleaned up.” He said as he gently released me and began to walk me to the back door.

“Where are you-” The sound of wings beating stopped me as I glanced up and saw Lucifer, His dark black wings blocking out most of my view of the sun, heading in the direction of downtown.

I’m really going to regret this.

I rushed inside, grabbed my keys off the island and rushed out to my car, and followed him.


Chapter 11

Lucifer’s POV

“Sir you can’t go in there without an appointment!” The older woman at the front desk yelled for the second time. Honestly, I didn’t give a damn. When Catalina had told me what this pathetic piece of shit tried to do to her. I saw red. I wanted to wipe him from her memory so he could never hurt her again. He deserved everything that was about to happen to him. I turned back to face the woman at the front desk,

“I suggest you mind your own damn business!” I hissed at her and watched as she took me in. Her fear radiating off of her.

“Leave.” I seethed at her one final time and watched as she scattered to the back of the desk, grabbed whatever shit she brought with her, and ran out the door. No one and nothing was going to stop me from what I was going to do.

This man was supposed to be helping people like Catalina. He was supposed to be a safe person to go to. To talk about her problems and issues. He was supposed to be someone she could trust and he took advantage of that. Almost took advantage of her and I would not stand for that.

Seeing that look on Catalina’s face when she told me what had happened. It did something to me. I was angry. Correction: I was pissed.

I rushed over to the sleek black door and busted in.

Dr. Wilson stood at his desk. The look of fear and shock painted well onto his face even though he was desperately and utterly failing at looking unbothered.

“Can I help you sir?” His voice strained with worry as he laid his glasses on his desk.

As it should. He should be worried. He should be scared because death had come for him.

“I’m looking for a Dr. Wilson.”

“That would be me, what can I help you with?”

I gently closed the door and locked it.

I watched as the Adam’s apple in his throat rose and fell as he placed his glasses down on the desk.

“I’m here about a friend of mine, I believe she is a patient of yours.”

I turned and looked towards the window and saw the large velvet chair.

She sat in that chair. How often had he looked at that chair thinking about that day? What he would’ve done to her? How he made her feel.

I wanted to destroy it.

“You’re going to have to be a little specific, I have quite a few patients.”

How unfortunate for them.

“Her name is Catalina.”

His eyes widened in surprise as he took a seat, glancing briefly at the velvet chair in the corner.