Sometimes I had forgotten that Gabriel and his brothers were trained warriors. Bred for battle, their skills honed on the battlefield. The scars on his chest probably meant nothing to him, But seeing them did something to me.
“People seem to forget that there were already evil things in this world before me. My brothers and I stood side by side and fought countless battles with things that would make the stories they say about me seem like child’s play.”
Well, Shit.
The stories I had heard as a child about Lucifer had terrified me when I was younger. He was the Prince of Darkness. The Prince of Lies and The Lord of Temptation. A merciless sadist who thrived on the pain and suffering of others.
“Do they bother you?” He asked as he took a seat beside me and lifted his water bottle to his lips.
“They seem painful. Do they still hurt?”
He smirked as he lowered the water bottle beside him,
“Nothing hurts me anymore princess.”
“I thought I told you to stop calling me that.” I snapped at him. He chuckled,
“And I believe I said I’d call you whatever I wished.”
“ I think I actually will kill you one of these days.”
“The day you kill me is the same day you stop drinking princess.”
I smacked him upside the head.
We were silent for a moment as we just stared at each other. It should have been awkward or a little uncomfortable but it wasn’t. It was oddly comforting just being in his presence. I looked into his dark warm eyes and I swear I could see a million thoughts going through him.
“How are you feeling?” he gently whispered to me. As if he was afraid to ask me.
How am I feeling?
I felt amazing. We had been out here for hours and I wasn’t even remotely tired or angry. I felt calm and in control. I wanted to keep going. I wanted to push myself and see just exactly how far I could go and what I could do. It was a high that I had never felt before. Nothing could compare to that feeling.
“I feel fine.”
I was more than fine but I still didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being right. His ego didn’t need an extra boost.
His lips twisted up to the side,
“Regretting our deal are you?”
“Why would you say that?”
Today was a great first day, if this was how our deal was always going to be, I would never regret it.
“Gabriel says you’re one that tends to keep yourself private.”
I had learned early in life to keep things private. No one cared and even if I did tell someone anything about my life, They either got freaked out by everything and wanted no part in the shit storm that was my life or they would pretend to care until they got what they wanted and left.
“Talking to you is different. I feel like you can understand what I’m saying,”
It was easier opening up to him. Telling him about certain things because he knew what certain things had felt and what they could do to a person. Perhaps he knew a way to heal as well. Maybe I could heal. With him.
“Like what princess?”
That damned nickname.
“Like having destructive violent tendencies.”