“Good, now rest,” I said as I began to turn and leave her room, I had just made it to the door when her voice stopped me,

“Lucifer?” Her voice was hesitant as if she was debating whether to say something to me or not,

“Yes?” I turned my head slightly to face her,

“Thank you.”

Well, that was unexpected.

“Get some rest, Catalina, Gabriel will be back soon.”

I didn’t wait for her to reply as I turned back and gently closed her door.

She would be fine. Gabriel would return soon and she would be okay. Yet I couldn’t help but wonder what the fuck happened. She didn’t remember who I was for a few moments, she could barely breathe. The dizziness and nausea were normal for a hangover but something didn’t sit right with me. Once Gabriel was back I’d talk to him about it. To see if this happened before. All I could do now was wait.


Chapter 6

“She’ll be alright, she just needs to sleep and in a few hours she’ll be herself again,” Gabriel said as he closed the door to Catalina’s room. I peered over his shoulder and could see that she was fast asleep again. Her chest slowly rose and fell. Her breathing was soft and mellow.

“Does this happen often? Her getting sick like this?”

Gabriel looked back at her door before moving past me and back into the kitchen.

“I’ve only seen her like this a few times, once was when some prick decided to drug her-”

“She was drugged before?”

The fact that Catalina had experienced this once before brought back that pain in my chest,

“Once when she turned Twenty and luckily I found her in time and she was okay and honestly it doesn’t seem to affect her all that much anymore.”

“One time is already too many and what the hell do you mean it doesn’t affect her anymore?” I found myself saying.

You would think after someone drugged her once that she would be more careful. Yet she still put herself out there. Still opened herself to be hurt and taken advantage of. It was unacceptable. Then again, she should be able to go out and not have to worry about someone incapacitating her. Gabriel shrugged before he spoke,

“She took a lot of shit when she was a teenager, said it helped numb the pain.”

What pain?

I thought back to last night. To the scars that had decorated her back. To the way she had reacted when I had reached out and barely touched her skin, The way she barely had any reaction to the belt once it hit her skin.

“So you think someone drugged her again?” I asked as the pain in my chest tightened even more.

“I don’t think, I know someone did.”

“How do you know?”

Gabriel ran a hand through his hair, his body tensing as he spoke,

“I could feel it in her system. I tried to heal her this morning but she flipped out, she didn’t even recognize me but I caught it for a brief moment and I would have healed her but,” Gabriel leaned against the wall, crossing his arms,

“She started crying, and I hate seeing her cry.”

“She cried because-”

“Because I touched her without permission.”