Page 223 of Lead Us To Temptation

“Yes, my King.”

“Good,” I sneered at him

“Now you may leave.”

* * *

Catalina’s POV

“Well, that can’t be good.” I sighed as I took in the dark shadows that wrapped around Lucifer and my father. I knew Lucifer meant him no harm so in a way I wasn’t too worried about it.

“Maybe we should-”

“Just give them a few minutes.” I cut Gabriel off and wouldn’t you know I was right. A few seconds passed and the shadows started to disappear, revealing Lucifer and my father face to face. Lucifer’s eyes were no longer that dark brown color but instead were as beautiful and black as the night. Seeing him like that… It undid me. I won’t lie it was hot when he got like that and I wondered what it would be like to have those shadows used for something more…fun. I didn’t even have time to consider how they could be used before Lucifer and my father stepped out of the house, both making their way toward me. Cain reached me first as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

“You have my number now, if you need anything at all don’t hesitate to reach out okay?” He whispered to me before placing a kiss on the top of my head. I nodded back,

“I will,” I said as I held him a bit tighter. It was strange to have Cain in the picture. For so long I had seen only one person in his role, granted that person didn’t seem very interested in that role while I was growing up, but it seemed that Cain wanted to be in that role now. I understood why he did what he did, why he left and he genuinely seemed to want to make up for all the lost time. So we agreed to take it day by day and see where that led us. Reluctantly, he released me, making his way over to Gabriel and taking him into an embrace as he whispered something to him as well. Whatever he said had Gabriel misty-eyed before he turned to Raphael and shook his hand. Cain had mentioned that Raphael had been the one to find him and bring him back here. Gabriel had been a little upset that he wasn’t the one to be able to go and find him but he was still recovering and the last thing we needed was for him to delay the recovery. Finally, Cain turned towards Lucifer, for a moment I thought they would continue whatever they had started in the house and I was prepared to step in if need be, but I didn’t have to. I watched as Cain extended his hand out to Lucifer. They both glared at each other, A certain primal dominance claiming both their eyes as they stared at each other. Lucifer reached out and accepted his hand. I could tell Lucifer gripped Cain’s hand a little tighter than normal but I wasn’t mad at it. Seeing that primal look in Lucifer’s eyes, it was hot and I loved it.

Lucifer released Cain’s hand and made his way over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close to him. I couldn’t help but look up at him and smile. Lucifer looked down at me as a playful smirk danced across his face. His eyes twinkled like starlight as they met mine. I could see everything in those eyes. I could see a painful, torturous past, yet a future full of redemption that was worth fighting for.


Chapter 29

Lucifer’s POV

Three Days Later

During these past few days, Catalina had been running herself ragged. Convincing her to sit down and eat, let alone sleep was practically impossible, so to have her in bed for a full eight hours was a fucking dream come true. Until I heard the noise from the kitchen. Ever so quietly I grabbed the dagger on my nightstand and slowly got out of the bed and made my way downstairs.

You have got to be kidding me.

“How are you feeling?” I asked Gabriel.

He jumped a little bit and took a step back from the counter,

“I feel fine, I just needed something to eat,” he said as he reached up to grab a bowl from the cabinet,

“Here let me get-”

“I can pour my own damn bowl of cereal.” Gabriel hissed at me and I laughed as I took the seat across from him.

“Catalina still asleep?” he asked as he poured the cereal in.

I nodded,

“Good. Damn, girl hasn’t left my side in days, let alone get an appropriate amount of sleep.”

“She was worried about you Gabriel.”

“She’s always worried about me. She seems to worry about everyone except herself these days,” he replied.

These past few days Catalina had been fussing quite a bit over Gabriel. She had insisted on checking on him at least three to four times an hour and had insisted she help him do everything and anything. Gabriel had drawn the line when she had offered to help him bathe. I had drawn the line when she had nearly passed out making Gabriel a sandwich.

“So I am learning,” I smirked back at him.

“So if you don’t mind me asking,”