Page 221 of Lead Us To Temptation

“I wanted to thank you for reaching out and bringing Catalina and me together. I-I have missed her greatly.”

“It was nothing. You two deserve to get to know each other after so many years apart.”

“Indeed we do,” He gestured to the open seat in front of him at the island in the kitchen.

Carefully I took the seat in front of him as he poured two drinks,

“I hear you and Gabriel are to thank for making sure she remained safe all these years.”

“It was mainly Gabriel, he looked after her since she was a child, I only came into the picture about seven months ago.”

Seven months. That was all it took for her to completely turn my world upside down. That was all it took for me to fall helplessly and endlessly in love with her.

“Yes, she mentioned that you helped her out of a relatively dark era.”

“I did.”

“She also mentioned that you two became quite close during that time.”

“We have.”

Cain slid a glass towards me, as he knocked his back. Finishing his within seconds.

“I’m going to make one thing clear to you. You might be my King, but she is my daughter. You hurt her and I will make sure you regret it.”

I had to give it to him. The man had balls. He knew if I wanted to I could destroy him with a snap of my fingers. But he wasn’t angry. He was just a father making sure his daughter was happy and loved.

“I would carve out my own heart and present it to her on a silver platter before I could ever hurt her.”

“Good. She has been through enough pain in her life as it is, heartbreak is not something she should need to add to the list, but from what she has told me I don’t believe I’ll ever have to worry about that now will I?”

She told him about the vision.

“She told you about-”

“About the vision? Yes. About how you two are fated to be? Yes, yes she did.” Cain turned, grabbing a new bottle off the counter behind him,

“And how do you feel about that?”

Did I even want to know the answer to this question?

“I am conflicted about it. On the one hand, I am glad that she found someone who cares for her so deeply, yet on the other hand, she is my only child and you are… Well, you’re you.”


“Are you ashamed that your daughter is with me?”

“No Lucifer I am not.”

“Then what is your concern?”

“My concern is that she will become a target.”

Now he had my attention,

“What happened here is not a secret, people are already talking. Micheal is outed and the gate is open and he is pissed. Let’s not kid ourselves and pretend that he will not retaliate because he will and he knows your one weakness now. He knows exactly who he has to get his hands on to make you do whatever the hell he wants.”
