“I’m ready!” Catalina called out as she exited the bathroom we shared. I didn’t tell her much about the surprise, just to dress like she normally would and to relax and stay calm. However, after our little encounter earlier this morning, she was already more than relaxed. I reached out my hand and she instantly moved towards me, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers together.
“Just remember no matter what happens, I will be right beside you. Always.” I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Now you’re starting to scare me.”
“You have nothing to be scared of. I promise.”
Catalina nodded as she looked down at both of our hands. Gently I raised our hands and placed a kiss on her hand.
“Shall we, my Morningstar?”
“I’m ready.”
Slowly I opened the door and led Catalina down the stairs and into the living room. Where Gabriel, Raphael, and Cain waited for us. Slowly we entered the living room and I could feel Catalina’s hand tighten against mine as she took in the male before her.
Slowly Cain and Raphael stood. Raphael took a single step back as Cain took in the small female next to me.
“Hello sweet girl.” His voice strained as if he couldn’t get the right words out. A bittersweet smile tainted his lips as Catalina smiled,
“Hi, Dad.”
* * *
Catalina’s POV
“Hi, Dad,” I said as I took in the man before me. He looked as if he was in his early thirties with long dark black hair that was pulled back in a bun, and beard to match, green eyes that were so similar to mine, full lips, muscular build. His high cheekbones and almond-shaped eyes gave him a demanding yet gentle presence.
My father.
I ran to him. I pulled him as close as I could. This was my father. The man who went into a burning house to save me. His arms wrapped around me so tightly, as if he never wanted to let me go.
“I didn’t want to leave you with her, I didn’t but I knew if I stayed she would keep hurting you, and I know she did dammit, I knew I should have taken you with me that night. I am so sorry my sweet girl. I am so sorry for any pain you suffered at her hands.”
“It’s alright,” I whispered against his chest,
“You do not have to lie to me, it is not alright.” Slowly he pulled away from me as he held me at arm’s length and took me in. A smile appeared on his face just as a single tear shed from his eye,
“You look as beautiful as the first day I saw you.”
He pulled me in once again into his tight embrace. His chin rested on top of my head.
“Are you safe here? Are you well and taken care of?”
“I am.” This time it was my turn to pull from his embrace,
“I am safe and well because of him.” I turned and glanced at Lucifer. His eyes solely remained on me as I walked over and took his hand in mine, leading us back to my father.
“Dad this is-”
“Lucifer.” He finished for me, and a moment of silence passed as he took Lucifer in. They were close in height but Lucifer had about three inches on him.
Please don’t fight, please don’t fight, please don’t fight.
My father dipped his head slightly,
“My king.”